
Hillary Clinton blasts Nigel Farage for Trump rally attack

Former U.K. Independence Party leader Nigel Farage appeared on stage at a rally with Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump in Jackson, Mississippi, and said that if he were a USA citizen, he “wouldn’t vote for Hillary Clinton if you paid me”.


He also harshly criticized Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, accusing her of “threatening” voters and presenting “decent Americans” as racists.

She said the “grand godfather” of the Alt Right movement Trump and Farage belonged to was led by Russian president Vladimir Putin.

Speaking in Reno, Nevada, the Democratic presidential candidate said the former UKIP leader, who appeared on stage with the Republican nominee in MS on Wednesday, had “stoked anti-immigrant sentiments” to win June’s Brexit referendum. Tell the world with one of the WND Superstore’s awesome magnetic bumper stickers! Donald Trump enjoys support for his message of “re-establishing American independence”, paralleling the UK’s separation from the European Union as the same “victory for the little people” and “rebellion against the establishment” that he could achieve in November’s election.

“(Obama) talked down to us.

GOP presidential candidate, Donald Trump and his supporters were in for a treat at the rally in Jackson, Mississippi on Wednesday evening (August 24).

Nevertheless, Farage explained, Brexit succeeded due to the campaign’s successful anti-globalization message.

“You have a fantastic opportunity here with this campaign”, Farage told the crowd. “That’s all I know”. I’m hearing you. But I will say this: “If I were an American citizen, I wouldn’t vote for Hillary Clinton if you paid me”, Mr Farage said.

But still remains undecided on who has her vote.

Donald Trump, the Republican candidate for US President, is trying to channel a bit of unexpected anti-establishment success off the UK’s vote to leave the European Union.

Earlier, during an interview with Fox News anchor Sean Hannity, Trump backed away farther from his hardline stance on deporting millions of illegal immigrants, saying he would be willing to work with those who had followed U.S. laws while living in the country.

For Donald Trump, the British Brexit vote is a harbinger of a political revolution that will soon crash on to American shores.

Instead he claims to have said people who have not paid into the United Kingdom tax system should not be the beneficiaries of public money until they have paid.


The plan was simple: I would speak at a dinner hosted by the Governor to speak about the Brexit campaign and to draw parallels with voters in America, who are looking for numerous same things.

Nigel Farage was warmly received by Donald Trump who had called himself MR. Brexit a few days ago