
Hillary Clinton campaigning; doctor says she’s…

Hillary Clinton’s doctor says she is recovering from her pneumonia and remains “healthy and fit to serve as President of the United States”.


Both candidates, among the oldest ever to run for the White House, were under intense pressure to share more medical information after Clinton fell ill during a 9/11 ceremony in NY on Sunday and was forced to leave.

Dr Bardack released Mrs Clinton’s laboratory results that showed “normal” readings for cholesterol, triglycerides and other key readings. Bardack has evaluated Clinton several times since Sunday. She was prescribed the antibiotic Levaquin and told to keep taking the drug for 10 days. After appearing to collapse outside a 9/11 memorial event on Sunday, the 68-year-old Clinton has remained at home recovering from what her doctor called “a mild non-contagious bacterial pneumonia”.

Trump, 70, knows he could stand to lose a few pounds but otherwise is in great health, campaign adviser Sarah Huckabee Sanders told MSNBC yesterday after the Republican nominee taped an episode of the Dr Oz Show in NY. There was no elaboration, however, after the taping of the show, which will air Thursday. Her campaign initially said her early departure was due to her being “overheated”. She also has had several allergy flares over the past year, which has been a typical pattern for most of her life.

A campaign spokeswoman issued a statement confirming that Trump handed Dr. Oz a one-page summary of the physical he underwent last week.

Bardack did the right tests for her pneumonia and “she’s being treated appropriately”, said Dr. Mark Creager, director of the Dartmouth-Hitchkock heart and vascular center in Lebanon, New Hampshire, and a past president of the American Heart Association.

Clinton will spend the day campaigning in Greensboro, North Carolina, and speaking to a Hispanic group in Washington.

“I don’t know folks, do you think Hillary could stand up here for an hour?”

Following the revelation of Clinton’s pneumonia, Trump vowed soon to release “very, very specific numbers” from a recent check-up with Bornstein.

The statement also said Clinton has no lasting effects from a concussion she suffered while serving as secretary of state in 2012, backing up statements that she has made in the years since the incident.

The presidential candidates for the two major parties released some personal health information this week, with doctors for both stating they are healthy and fit to serve.

These kinds of attacks distract from the substance of the campaign, as does compelling Clinton to release yet more of her health information to debunk rumors.

Mrs Clinton – who has been recuperating at her suburban NY home – was treated with an antibiotic called Levaquin, which she was prescribed for 10 days. “He does not use tobacco products or alcohol”, he added.

She then turned to Trump saying he failed at transparency.

But the Bloomberg poll is also not the first recent survey to show Trump gaining in OH, where Clinton had boasted fairly consistent leads for much of the summer.


Dr. Harold Bornstein last month admitted he spent just five minutes writing the letter.

Hillary Clinton at the DNC in Philadelphia 2016. REUTERS