
Hillary Clinton campaigns in Las Vegas valley

She recently spoke in black-majority Bamberg County, SC, addressing issues such as lack of funding for infrastructure and schools in the area. Bernie Sanders faced off in opposing front-row pews while attending the same church service in Las Vegas on Sunday morning.


That this may happen again clearly indicates two things: Hillary Clinton is an terrible candidate and the Democrats really have no bench/farm system.

Jeb Bush defended his decision to bring his brother, former President George W. Bush, to SC to help him campaign. They are attracted more to Sanders for his frank opinions on cracking the whip on Wall Street, chopping college costs and cutting down income inequality, according to Reuters/Ipsos poll. Trump doesn’t need one because he’s a billionaire who once said, “You know the nice part about me?”

Past year the New York Times reported that Clinton would “begin personally courting donors for a “super PAC” supporting her candidacy, the first time a Democratic presidential candidate has fully embraced these independent groups that can accept unlimited checks from big donors and are already playing a major role in the 2016 race”.

“I don’t think our country can live up to its potential unless we give a chance to every single American to live up to theirs”, Clinton said.

Meanwhile, presidential nomination hopeful Donald Trump is smashing the Republican turf in the state by moving ahead of his nearest rival before the February 20 primary, another poll showed. Sanders has suggested Obama hadn’t succeeded in closing the gap between Congress and the American people – something Obama has acknowledged.

Sanders, however, had a sharp response to this criticism at the debate Thursday, which he called a “low blow”. “I disagree with it”, Clinton said. The state supported her husband in 1992, while Bill Clinton was on the path toward the Democratic nomination, and in the general elections of 1996. Clinton’s own campaign message has looked muddled compared to his ringing call for a “political revolution”, and her connections to Wall Street have given Sanders an easy way to link her to the systems his supporters want to overhaul. At least a dozen Black Caucus members are expected to fan out across the state to boost Clinton’s campaign in the state. Back in 2008, Clinton initially led Barack Obama in the superdelegate count – albeit by a far smaller margin than she holds over Sanders today – but he eventually chipped away at that lead and overtook her in the superdelegate count.

And yes, health care and education are important to Kleefisch, but her views on those issues differ wildly from Clinton’s.


BEN CARSON (R), Republican Presidential Candidate: Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton will come along and say, it’s those evil rich people and that’s what’s causing you your problem.

Democratic presidential candidates Senator Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton at the debate in Milwaukee