
Hillary Clinton clinches democratic nomination for president

As for Clinton supporters, they too plan on going to the polls.


“It counts superdelegates that the Democratic National Committee itself says should not be counted because they haven’t voted and won’t vote until the summer”, Briggs told the show.

“The only way he could do it is with superdelegates but he’s complaining that she’s doing it with superdelegates. she’s ahead with elected pledged delegates and that’s very democratic”, Schneider said. If he won, it could prove awkward for Clinton and it would give the Vermont senator further justification to stay in the race.

Mrs Clinton’s campaign had anxious that reaching the 2,383 delegate commitments could depress turnout in Tuesday’s elections and give Mr Sanders an edge.

Sanders and Clinton are competing in contests in six states on Tuesday, headlined by California, the nation’s largest state, offering 475 pledged delegates.

She won 29 caucuses and primaries to his 21 victories – and an estimated 2.9 million more voters have backed her during the nominating process.

Two days of election contests remain.

The Democratic Party holds its convention in Philadelphia in July to formally choose its nominee for the November 8 election against presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump.

Sanders tried to quiet Alcindor five times by saying “excuse me” before giving in and allowing her to finish her question. None has suggested that could happen. What’s more, Obama then led among pledged delegates even when superdelegates weren’t included in the total count.

The majority of superdelegates have always sided with the victor of the most pledged delegates, which in this election is Clinton.

Well, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders were set to ride in California as part of the this primary season’s final Super Tuesday. Clinton’s decision to use an unauthorized private email server kept in her home for her work as secretary of state remains the subject of a criminal inquiry by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. She is on track to safely end the primary season with a majority of pledged delegates even if she loses all six states on Tuesday and in Washington, D.C., the following week.

A spokesman for opponent Bernie Sanders insisted Mrs Clinton had not yet clinched the nomination, and said it was wrong for the media to count the votes of superdelegates.


She has won 29 states and USA territories, to 21 for Sanders.

Cher Hillary Clinton