
Hillary Clinton condemns shooting of Baton Rouge officers

Truth be told, it looks more like a live season of political “Celebrity Apprentice”, with appearances from presidential nominee Donald Trump’s immediate family and staff members, than the biggest GOP gathering of the presidential election, as it is supposed to be.


She called for increased funding for re-entry programs for those leaving prison and improving public education to eliminate the “school-to-prison pipeline”.

Hillary Clinton promised on Monday to bring the “full weight of the law” against people who kill police officers if she becomes the next US president after two recent episodes of gunmen slaying police officers in Dallas and Baton Rouge.

Clinton said this includes “investing in our police”, including training officers on use of force and the need for officer safety and wellness. “I guess you could say we will start during the convention but we are really going to get it in gear right after the convention”.

Republicans may have mixed feelings about nominating Donald Trump for president, but one thing they can all rally around is a deep dislike for Democrat Hillary Clinton.

David Kendall appeared Monday at a hearing on whether the conservative legal group Judicial Watch should be granted its request to interview Clinton under oath as part of its long-running lawsuit.

“When I am president working people will always have a seat at the table and a champion in the White House, because I believe when unions are strong America is strong”, Clinton said.

Mrs. Clinton called for empathy across cultures.

Speakers after speakers at the Cleveland Convention, “would talk about the failures of the Obama-Clinton administration and setting up the issues in each of the relevant blocks that were stressing tonight”, Trump Campaign Manager Paul Manafort told reporters at a news conference.

Clinton and other officials have acknowledged inadequate security in Benghazi – a point also made by numerous congressional investigations and an independent panel.

Clinton’s top campaign aides believe that the way to beat Trump in November is to not only stoke voters’ distrust of him, but to cast a vote for him as a vote for putting the United States in danger. “We can not let this madness continue! This must end. And it can be true, both that we need law enforcement and that we need to improve law enforcement, to get back to the fundamental principle that everyone in every community benefits when there is respect for the law, and everyone is respected by the law”. “We all could do better, no matter what side of the equation you’re on”.

“Too many Americans feel like the economy has failed them and government has failed them, and just forget about politics”, Clinton said.


The Republican National Convention began on Monday afternoon with a moment of silence for the police officers killed in recent attacks.

Hillary Clinton Vows To Punish Cop Killers