
Hillary Clinton Considering Campaign Staff Changes

Clinton gained seven points of support from Democratic voters while Sanders lost 6 points.


“Bernie took what they said good about him and put it in under all these endorsements, except they didn’t endorse”, Clinton said.

“(My mother) told me Bill, any time someone tries to get you to stop thinking, they are not your true friend”, he warned.

The former president’s words were stinging, blasting the Vermont senator and his supporters for what he called inaccurate and sexist attacks.

Clinton said she was making a “personal commitment” to help Flint in a message delivered not only to the congregants at a local Baptist church but also a more heavily-minority electorate in Southern contests that could help her build a foundation for a delegate-by-delegate drive toward the nomination. “We’ve said that, if people are out there doing things on the Internet that are inappropriate, you know we want that to be no part of our campaign”.

Ms. Clinton has for days criticized Mr. Sanders for using the Wall Street donations to insinuate to voters that she can be bought by special interests.

Gabrielle Greaves, a student at the University of New Hampshire who supports Sanders over Clinton, says her decision is based on policy, not on getting the first woman into the White House. “But they had something else in store”.

“When I think about what our young people have gone through, what they have known about our country … there is no wonder that they along with so many of us are saying, ‘Wait a minute, we’re better than this”.

The day after Steinem’s appearance with Bill Maher, former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright uttered something she has said repeatedly over the past several years about women helping women crack glass ceilings, but did it for the first time at a rally for and with Clinton in New Hampshire.

Faced with the prospect of a crushing loss here in Tuesday’s crucial primary election, and with a campaign that once again looks to be in disarray, Hillary Clinton this week is relying on her husband to make a series of increasingly heated attacks against rival Sen. The lack of support from younger women is something that’s clearly gotten under the skin of some Clinton supporters, particularly women who are of her age and stage. She touched on several topics, including health care, blocking the privatization of Social Security and equal pay for women. “You may not support me now, but I will always support you”. Barack Obama’s positioning on the Iraq war was “the biggest fairy tale I’ve ever seen”.

Last month, Sanders’ rapid-response director, Mike Casca, reminded backers to be respectful to voters supporting other campaigns.


Mr. Sanders leads Ms. Clinton 52 percent to 42 percent.

Sanders campaign plans clash with political realities