
Hillary Clinton denies passing out at 9/11 ceremony

Clinton said that when she entered the air-conditioned van and drank Gatorade, she immediately felt better.


Clinton’s husband, former president Bill Clinton, said in an interview Monday with PBS’ Charlie Rose that Hillary Clinton was “doing fine” after a good night’s sleep.

In the call-in interview with Anderson Cooper, Clinton said she didn’t think her cough was that big a deal, citing common allergies she experiences, but she chose to see her doctor when it didn’t dissipate.

Clinton explained the events of Sunday, when she abruptly left a 9/11 memorial ceremony in NY with her campaign telling people she felt “overheated”.

Clinton appeared wobbly and stumbled Sunday as she left a 9/11 commemoration ceremony in NY.

Clinton told CNN on Monday that she had ignored her doctor’s advice to get five days of rest because she “didn’t think it was going to be that big a deal”. But during her interview Monday, Clinton sought to turn criticism of her secrecy over her illness into an attack on Republican rival Donald Trump. “It’s just the kind of thing if it happens to you and you’re an active person you keep moving forward”, Clinton said.

“It is our intention in the next couple of days we will be releasing additional medical information about Hillary Clinton”, Fallon said.

“It really says to me and other supporters of Hillary that we have to be invested, and we’re going to have to get out and work”, said Missouri state Rep. Margo McNeil of suburban St. Louis, who was a Clinton delegate to the Democratic National Convention.

“Her energy staggers me”, he told a crowd in Dayton, Ohio.

Trump said Clinton showed her true beliefs when she made the comment at a NY fundraiser.

“I just want to get this over and done with and get back on the trail as quickly as possible”, Clinton said. Late Sunday evening, she canceled a California campaign swing scheduled for early this week.

On Sunday, she said, she felt dizzy, but didn’t lose consciousness.

“I don’t know what’s going on”. One Internet meme that zipped around showed a doctored version of a poster for the 2010 movie “The Expendables”, replaced with key figures of the Trump campaign and conservative media, with the banner “The Deplorables”.

Meanwhile, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, who shared even less information about his own medical details than Clinton did, was also bogged down in controversy surrounding his brief medical report that stated that Trump would be the “healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency”.


Trump supporters have tried to make the case that Clinton, 68, is physically unfit for the White House. While Democrats said the matter is unlikely to fundamentally alter the presidential race, Democrats worry the race with Trump is too close for comfort. In response, Clinton said she could only recall two instances of similar experiences in the past.

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