
Hillary Clinton diagnosed with pneumonia, advised to rest

Earlier, Dr Lisa R Bardack said in a statement that Secretary Clinton was being urged to modify her campaign schedule after becoming overheated and dehydrated during the September 11 Commemoration Ceremony.


Hillary Clinton has cancelled a campaign trip to California while she recovers from pneumonia, a campaign official has said.

Clinton’s campaign issued a statement from her doctor later Sunday revealing that she had been diagnosed with pneumonia two days earlier.

As she left the building two hours later, she waved to reporters and said: “I’m feeling great”. Video footage of Clinton’s departure shows her appearing to stumble as she entered her van. Donald Trump and some of his high-profile supporters have repeatedly argued she lacked the “stamina” to battle adversaries overseas. She smiled for the media and posed for pictures with a young girl before departing in a vehicle for her home in Chappaqua.

The Independent also joined in the call for Clinton to become much more forthcoming about her health.

Clinton left the ceremony around 9:30 a.m. ET.

The incident took place in a crowded ceremony in downtown Manhattan, with temperatures in the high 70s and low 80s.

She joked to the crowd “every time I think about Trump I get allergic”. On Friday, Clinton told donors that “half” of Trump’s supporters are in a “bucket of deplorables” – a comment that drew sharp criticism from Republicans.

“It happened in an area that was off-limits to the press, so the pool reporters that follow Hillary Clinton wherever she goes didn’t see it”.

“I’ve been talking so much”, Clinton said with a hoarse voice.

Clinton’s health has seemingly slowed down her presidential campaign, following a 2012 incident in which she fell, which was blamed on a stomach virus.

Trump was also in attendance at the 9/11 ceremony, though both candidates are not formally campaigning on Sunday.

She was diagnosed on Friday, the doctor said, but her condition was not made public until Sunday afternoon.


Clinton’s Republican rival Donald Trump and his supporters have long tried to cast doubt on Clinton’s health, citing the concussion she suffered in a fall and subsequent blood clot that required her to go on Coumadin, a blood thinner. Trump, 70, has surrendered even less information, releasing only a hyperbolic letter from a gastroenterologist who claimed implausibly that Trump would be “the healthiest individual elected to the presidency”.

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio speaks to US Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton during a memorial service at the National 9/11 Memorial