
Hillary Clinton: Donald Trump Has Used ‘Prejudice and Paranoia’ in Campaign

Trump holds an 11-point advantage among white voters, while Clinton holds a 62-point lead lead among non-white voters, the poll suggests.


Winding down the programs and finding partners, she says, takes time.

Donald Trump said Thursday in Manchester, N.H, that the Democratic leadership has “betrayed” black and Latino Americans over the past decades, portraying rival Hillary Clinton as the candidate who will bring down communities of color while he can lift them up.

Trump, who also met Thursday in NY with members of a new Republican Party initiative meant to train young – and largely minority – volunteers, has been working to win over blacks and Latinos in light of his past inflammatory comments and has been claiming that the Democrats have taken minority voters’ support for granted. In what he claimed were appeals to African-American voters (delivered before virtually all-white crowds), Trump demeaned their lives, telling them they were uneducated and unsuccessful, and it was all the Democrats’ fault. However, it is deeply suspected if the change can continue and improve his performance in the polls.

It also comes as Clinton confronts ongoing questions about her use of personal e-mail, and potential conflicts stemming from her family’s charitable foundation. At rallies over the past week, the Republican presidential nominee cast Democratic policies as harmful to communities of color, and in MS on Wednesday he went so far as to label Clinton “a bigot”. George W. Bush hasn’t, but he hasn’t come out in favor of Hillary Clinton either, unlike the Republicans Clinton is “honored” to have supporting her. “A fringe element has effectively taken over the Republican Party”.

Clinton, who has denied the influence charges, pressed the argument that Trump lacks the temperament to be president.

“She lies, and she smears, she paints decent Americans, YOU, as racists”, Trump said. Conservative commentator Ann Coulter, who published a book called “In Trump We Trust”, reacted with angry tweets to Trump’s comments on Fox, including remarking sardonically “Well, if it’s ‘hard, ‘ then never mind”.

In a video published on Thursday, the Clinton campaign links clips of KKK members, including Duke, backing Trump.

“I appreciate the concerns that people have expressed and that’s why I have made it clear that if I’m successful in November we are going to be taking additional steps”, she said. “Don’t be fooled” by Trump’s efforts to rebrand, she told voters Thursday, saying the United States faced a “moment of reckoning”.

Responding to Trump’s immigration plan to step up deportation, the Clinton campaign said his extreme right-wing agenda “is fueling a risky movement of hatred across the country”.

Clinton accused Trump of pandering to the so-called “alt-right” – a group of fringe right-wingers associated with nationalists and white supremacists.

The Breitbart site posted a picture of Clinton hugging the late senator Robert Byrd – who was once a segregationist and Ku Klux Klansman.

Trump and Clinton have been ratcheting up their attacks on each other as their first general-election debate approaches. “Until now”, she said. “She is selling (minorities) down the tubes because she’s not doing anything for those communities”.

“I saw people were criticizing people for meeting with Elie Wiesel and Muhammad Yunus, the Nobel prize victor”, Clinton said.

“I would say it’s nice to see Donald Trump acknowledge that he was wrong and that his opponents were correct”, said Chris Schrimpf, a spokesman for Kasich.


“People of this country who want their laws enforced and respected by all, and who want their border secured, are not racists”, he said.

Clinton in Reno