
Hillary Clinton: Donald Trump Is No Longer Funny

But views are mixed among Republicans: 42 percent of GOP respondents support Trump’s proposal to ban Muslims from entering the us, while 36 percent oppose it.


Hillary Clinton has condemned Donald Trump calling him shameful, risky and saying “I no longer think he’s funny”.

A petition to ban the USA billionaire from the UK was created after he called for a temporary halt on Muslims entering the United States.

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Anonymous’ declaration of war against Donald Trump came after the hacker group resolved to carry out a “total cyber war” against ISIS in the wake of the series of terror attacks in Paris last month. “And for Republican candidates for president, to stand by their pledge to support Mr. Trump, that in and of itself is disqualifying”.

Mr Netanyahu’s office had said on Wednesday that he rejects Mr Trump’s comments about Muslims but planned to move forward with the meeting.

A gnawing sense of dread has helped lift Trump to a new high among Republicans, who will vote in primaries to choose their party’s nominee for the November 2016 presidential election.

Responding to the controversial statement, Charly Boy writes that Donald Trump merely reflects the sentiments of anti-Muslim Americans. In a statement on YouTube, Anonymous said it is focusing its efforts on Trump due to his deeply bigoted rhetoric against Latinos and Muslims.


Sir Peter Westmacott, who is nearing the end of his four-year tour as Britain’s ambassador to the U.S., did not wait to be asked about Mr Trump’s latest remarks before going on the offensive in a meeting with journalists, the New York Times reported. The group has its hands full: It has also declared December 11 “Official ISIS Trolling Day”, encouraging social-media users to post amusing photos and messages that mock the Islamic State in an attempt to drown out its online propaganda.

Donald Trump's website for Trump Towers has been attacked by activist hacking group Anonymous