
Hillary Clinton embraces Barack Obama on stage at DNC

Hurwitz then went on to write Michelle Obama’s 2008 convention speech, the one Melania Trump is accused of lifting lines from for her own convention speech.


Dioletis, who said she would not vote for Clinton in November, is even more adamant in light of leaked emails from that Democratic National Committee.

The first lady proved her value to the Clinton campaign when she powerfully endorsed Hillary at the DNC on Monday night.

If you could sum her speech up in a sentence, it was: “the children are our future”. Siriano most recently designed Leslie Knope’s dress for the premiere of Ghostbusters after she revealed no designer would dress her.

She never mentioned Trump by name, but she certainly had him in mind when she told of the challenges of bringing up two young girls in a White House fishbowl. “Because this right now is the greatest country on earth”.

Trump’s political slogan is “Make America Great Again”. Gun violence. Recalling recent tragedies across the country, she said, “Police officers and protesters in Dallas who all desperately want to keep our children safe”. Michelle is scandal free. She’s popular with all Democrats, and the party needs a unifying voice. The youth-focused speech, coupled with Obama’s incredible popularity, resonated with many millennials.

“American elections are nearly like movies – there’s always a bad guy and a good guy”.

Obama’s speech was met by cheers from the crowd.

Calling on Michelle meant kicking off the DNC with a seasoned convention speaker.

She laid out why she believes the former first lady is the best choice for entrepreneurs and business owners. (She wore Christian Siriano, for the record.) She’s widely considered likable and authentic, two qualities Hillary might envy. He pointed to Sanders’ convention speech, where the senator detailed positions that he and Clinton now share. “She is the only person that has what it takes to become a president”, told Michelle to a packed arena in Philadelphia. They can not silence the people that want to see real democracy in this country.

“My number one priority is to make sure Donald Trump is not the president”, he said.

Her official endorsement of Clinton when she said “Let’s get to work.” 2. She’s not getting paid to be a guest reporter, but it is her job to see things first hand and reach her own conclusions. “She’s such a powerful woman and she is so strong, but she’s also one of the kindest people there is”. “She has good family values”. But Monday night belonged to her. She recalled how their lives changed with the presidency, including their realization of how the experience would shape their children. “But, who kept on striving and hoping and doing what needed to be done so that today I wake up every morning in a house that was built by slaves”.

She presented Clinton’s candidacy in historic terms, after also invoking the firsts of her husband’s presidency: waking up in a “house that was built by slaves and watching their daughters – “two handsome, intelligent, young, black women” – play with their dog on the White House lawn”. With every word we utter, with every action we take, we know our kids are watching us.

“So in this election, we can not sit back and hope that everything works out for the best”.


But first, the wife and mother who lives in the White House criticized Donald Trump, who spent a lot of time before he ran for president pushing the storyline that President Obama wasn’t born in the United States.

Viewers guide to the Democratic convention