
Hillary Clinton Expected to Release 2015 Tax Returns

Hillary and Bill Clinton earned $10.6 million (about €9.5 million) past year, according to a tax filing released by her campaign to pressure presidential rival Donald Trump to disclose his own tax returns.


The Democratic presidential nominee and her husband, former President Bill Clinton, paid $3.24 million in taxes out of their adjusted gross income of $10.6 million.

In a statement accompanying the release, Clinton spokeswoman Jennifer Palmieri noted that this release stands “in stark contrast” to Trump’s refusal to release his tax filings, as has been standard procedure for decades.

Mrs Clinton is also planning to release her 2015 tax returns in the coming days, as she seeks to keep the pressure on Mr Trump, who has not provided his.

And she claimed that Republican nominee Donald Trump’s tax plan would have a negative downstream impact on healthcare. Farenthold has been unable to find proof that Donald Trump gave the million that he promised to St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital.

Hillary Clinton is taking advantage of a tax loophole provided by Donald Trump.

Hillary and Bill share a private moment on stage.

Mr. Trump has said he’s being audited by the IRS, and said it doesn’t make sense to release his returns in the middle of that audit. “The goal of her speech on Thursday afternoon at manufacturing company in Warren, Michigan, was to play up her focus on job development, public works projects and tax policy while trying to undercut the celebrity businessman’s approach”. The combined Clinton tax rate comes out to approximately 43%, with 10% of the gross income having gone to charity. The documents showed that the Clintons reported earning $28.3 million in 2014 – more than double than in 2015 – and a total of more than $140 million between 2007 and 2014.

They gave more than $1,042,000 to charity, with $1m going to the Clinton family foundation.

At a MI factory on Thursday the Democratic nominee ran through numerous policies she has outlined over the a year ago to contrast herself with Trump, who has given far fewer details about his plans, as the presidential campaign heads toward the November 8 election.

In May, Trump’s then-campaign manager Corey Lewandowski said there is “nothing to learn” from the returns.

The ad shows a series of Republicans, including Mitt Romney, Mitch McConnell and Ted Cruz, blasting the supposed billionaire businessman for hiding his tax returns from the public.


The Clintons have disclosed returns for every year dating back to 1977.

Clinton protesters