
Hillary Clinton Fights Back Coughing Attack

Converging on OH within miles apart of each other, Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton made competing Labor Day pitches in Cleveland on Monday, setting the stage for a critical month in their testy presidential campaign.


The former secretary of state raised a combined $143 million in August for her campaign, the Democratic National Committee and state parties – her best month yet.

But the Republican flagbearer’s unorthodox White House bid, including his campaign’s apparent imperviousness to criticism about his harsh rhetoric, assures a tight contest for the next 64 days.

“I support Hillary Clinton”.

As he left Cleveland for his next stop in Youngstown, Trump extended a rare invitation to a handful of journalists on his private jet, and said that “on occasion”, he will invite journalists to travel with him.

“We’re going to make that decision into the future”, said Mr Trump.

Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton have entered the final stretch of the United States presidential campaign.

In the meantime, Hillary Clinton greeted reporters on her new campaign plane and then made stops in OH and IL, quite literally flying over Indiana. Clinton answered questions about how she handled email during her tenure as secretary of state.

“Talk to everyone you know because we want to win OH so we can go on to the White House next January and get to work for you, so we can take all the plans and ideas”, Mrs. Clinton said.

And she implied Moscow was trying to help get Trump elected.

Earlier in the day in Cleveland when she took the stage and had barely started speaking before breaking out into perhaps the worst coughing fit she’s ever had in public, Clinton blamed it on being “allergic” to Donald Trump-the Republican nominee for president.

DONALD TRUMP: I’m doing some.

Adulation in OH, maybe – but Trump faces as an uphill battle as he lags in national and state polls. Clinton replied in negative when asked if she plans to travel to Mexico City.

Clinton shot back by recalling Trump’s meeting with Mexico’s President Enrique Pena Nieto and their clash over Trump’s plan to have Mexico pay for a border wall.

She also said she would seek to unite the country, while calling Trump divisive.

Trump, who visited a Cleveland diner to meet with union members, is seeking to capitalize on simmering frustration among blue-collar workers over jobs and wages.

LISA DESJARDINS: In Pennsylvania, it was Clinton’s running mate, Virginia Senator Tim Kaine. “I think if you run for president, you ought to tell people what you want to do”.

Trump, 70, dominated last week’s political messaging and imagery that included his visit to an African-American church in Detroit.

The first of three presidential debates that are expected to be the most watched moments of the election is just three weeks away.

She said Mr. Trump’s claim at the Republican National Convention that he “alone” is able to fix the country’s problems proves his unfitness. “Just shows you how important OH is”.

“Because the electorate is so volatile this year, it doesn’t take almost as much to get a loosely aligned voter to switch their allegiance”, says Dan Schnur, director of the University of Southern California’s political institute.

“If Trump loses OH he loses the race”, Brown told Agence France-Presse. He’ll be collecting cash from IN supporters that will be spent IN other states.


OH is considered one of four swing states – those that are not clearly in the Democratic or Republican camp – that could prove decisive in the Electoral College vote that will ultimately determine the victor.

What to expect of Donald Trump in the presidential debates