
Hillary Clinton ‘fit to serve’ after bout of pneumonia, doctor says

But little information was available about what was said on the show, which will be broadcast Thursday, other than that Trump, 70, said he was taking regular doses of a statin, a drug that lowers cholesterol, and gave his weight as 236 pounds.


After Clinton’s doctor released a letter about the former secretary of state’s health in 2015, her campaign did not intend to release more information about their candidate.

Trump’s Democratic rival was at home in Chappaqua, New York for a third straight day Wednesday, recovering from a health scare that has rocked her bid to become America’s first woman president.

While Clinton’s favourable rating slumped to a dismal 38 per cent (barely higher than Trump’s 36 per cent) in the latest Gallup tracking poll, Obama’s approval soared to 58 per cent in a Washington Post survey released on Monday, his highest since July 2009.

While speaking in Ohio, Trump noted how hot it was in the room. In fact, he also seemed to take a shot at her health, openly wondering “Do you think Hillary would be able to stand up here for an hour?”

“This is not a formula for a happy-warrior candidacy, and it is exceptionally unsafe at a time when her enemies (with a big assist from the Democratic nominee) have driven her unpopularity down into Trump-ian depths”, added Politico.

“My overall impression is that Mrs. Clinton has remained healthy and has not developed new medical conditions this year other than a sinus and ear infection and her recently diagnosed pneumonia”, wrote Bardack, chair of Internal Medicine at CareMount Medical in Mount Kisco.

Apart from the pneumonia thing, we now know Clinton had an ear infection earlier this year, and Kaine’s doctor wants him to get more vitamin D.

The letter says the illness stemmed from a bout of seasonal allergies that developed into an upper respiratory tract infection.

“She was treated with antibiotics and advised to rest”, Bardack wrote. She was tested with a non-contrast chest CT scan, which discovered a small right middle-lobe pneumonia. Clinton’s mammogram and breast ultrasound results have been normal.

As he works to gain ground against Clinton in the final stretch of the presidential race, Trump is increasingly repurposing Clinton’s attacks against her.

She said Clinton has handled her controversies “very well” but fretted that voters “don’t understand Hillary’s personality”.

A detailed letter about her treatment is going to be released by the campaign later on Wednesday – but the rest of her complete physical exam is said to be “normal”.

Clinton plans to return to the campaign trail on Thursday after several days resting at her suburban NY home. Bardack said she had examined Clinton on September 2, a week before the pneumonia diagnosis, after Clinton experienced a low-grade fever, congestion, and fatigue. “It’s a insane time we live in, you know, when people think there’s something unusual about getting the flu”. He’s 5-foot-9 and weighed almost 208 pounds during his last physical in February.

Bardack’s letter also cast some new light on the persistent cough that Clinton complained of before she was found to have pneumonia. She left the event early and was seen in video footage buckling as she was helped into her van by her aides and security detail.

The disclosure that she had been diagnosed with pneumonia was a quintessentially Clintonian stumble, with her instinct for secrecy proving more damaging than the facts of the situation.

Donald Trump has finally disclosed his medial records. And it begs the question: “what is he trying to hide?” Marc Lotter, a Pence spokesman, later said the IN governor will release information from a recent physical “quickly”. On Wednesday, he handed over a one-page summary of that exam, conducted by his longtime physician, Dr. Harold Bornstein, to Dr. Mehmet Oz while taping an episode of Oz’s show.

Bornstein and Trump came under fire last month after the doctor revealed that the note was written in five minutes while a limousine sent by the candidate waited outside Bornstein’s Manhattan office.


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Report Clinton Campaign Avoided Hospital In Order To Conceal Hillary's Medical Condition