
Hillary Clinton: Gay Rights At Risk Under Republican Administration

Hillary Clinton lies like insane – In a scathing attack on Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, Republican front-runner Donald Trump on Sunday said that Hillary lies like insane.


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Wang Yu, head of the CDC, said: “An all-out effort is urgently needed to advance the public health campaign against smoking here”. But just as e-cigarettes have taken hold, regulators are poised to gain new powers that will limit what is on sale and to whom.

Sanders and Martin O’Malley hope to convince increasingly liberal primary voters that Clinton does not fit in the Democratic Party on the issue.

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Meanwhile, Democratic Mr Sanders on Sunday apo-logised to his rival Mr Clinton for inadvertently breaching into her election database to access information about her voters.

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“I apologize”, Sanders said.

“I apologize to Secretary Clinton”, said Sanders.

While a lot of attention was understandably paid to Clinton’s assessment that Donald Trump is becoming “the best ISIS recruiter”, Sanders was quietly breaking a record previously held by President Barack Obama.

Utah’s Democratic Party will allow any registered voter to cast a ballot in their presidential preference poll on March 22, which will allocate delegates for the national convention.

At the same time, he again reiterated that it was “totally inappropriate” for the Democratic National Committee to cut off his campaign’s access to the voter data.

During the debate, Clinton attacked the GOP in general and Trump in particular. Meanwhile, Clinton’s spokesman chided the Sanders campaign as going “hog-wild, downloading as much data as they could get” during the vulnerability and questioning whether the Sanders campaign committed a crime. “This is not the type of campaign that we run.”, said Sanders.

The candidates also weighed in on their plans to destroy ISIS, with Mrs Clinton calling not only to dismantle its networks but also to “work more closely with Muslim- American communities” at home. White House and National Security Council officials would also not support her assertion, telling ABC News they are unaware of any examples of ISIS including Trump in the group’s videos. “The fact that he’s aware of criminal justice, injustice as a matter of fact, all these things so that they’re more connected to the people than I would say the Republican candidates”, San Francisco resident Angela Jenkins said.

When his claim about a video showing “thousands and thousands” of Muslims celebrating 9/11 was debunked weeks ago, Trump dug in his heels on the assertion about “plenty of people cheering”.

HILLARY Clinton was prevented from getting back to the stage during the Democratic presidential debate because Eliot Spitzer’s gal pal was hogging the bathroom, according to a report. “I’m very clear that we have a distinct difference between those of us on this stage tonight and all of our Republican counterparts”, she said.

Sanders said he wants to make “secondary” the fight against Syrian leader Bashar Assad and focus exclusively on defeating the Islamic State. Clinton doesn’t believe in raising taxes on the middle class and said that she would impose higher taxes on the wealthy while Sanders said that he needs to increase taxes by $1.61 a week for extended family and medical leaves.

Clinton quickly shot back: “With all due respect, Senator, you voted for regime change with respect to Libya”.


Utah’s Democrats are even more solidly behind Hillary Clinton.

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