
Hillary Clinton gets endorsement of Congressional Black Caucus group

The contest among the three mainstream candidates appears to be a race against Mr Trump and a primary-within-a-primary among Mr Bush, Mr Rubio and Ohio Governor John Kasich to win the right to ultimately challenge Mr Trump and Mr Cruz. It is torn between activists enraged by President Barack Obama and eager for the bald confrontation promised by Mr Trump and Mr Cruz, and party leaders hungry to take back the White House and considering candidates such as Mr Rubio and Mr Jeb Bush. She’s leading Sanders in polling among pivotal black and Hispanic voters who will be more plentiful now that the campaigns have passed Iowa and New Hampshire.


Donald Trump is pulling an ad hitting Ted Cruz for his stance on immigration and replacing it with a positive spot in SC.

The latest poll numbers in SC were tabulated before Mr Sanders won New Hampshire, and he is sure to narrow the gap. Next up: Nevada and SC.

“You may not support me, but I support you”, Clinton said.

Trump remained undaunted and clearly relished the moment.

For Marco Rubio, Tuesday night was supposed to be phase two of a daring strategy that would shoot him into the lead in the Republican primary for President of the United States.

It may very well come down to that, a tooth and nail fight for every vote for a nomination that political pundits had predicted that Clinton would win easily. The Clinton campaign also criticized him for missing a Senate vote this week on North Korea sanctions, suggesting it underscored his lack of interest in foreign policy.

The problem for Republicans after the New Hampshire primary can be summed up like this.

The 30-second spot is airing in the Charleston area ahead of the state’s February 20 Republican primary, according to the tracking firm Kantar Media.

The pro-Bush super PAC Right to Rise was widely criticized for spending millions in ads against Rubio, whom some establishment Republicans believed voters could coalesce around as the anti-Trump candidate.

“Makes me feel dumb for trusting him”, he says. Others are “not even close, it’s not even close to Hillary Clinton”, said Meeks. In New Hampshire, Sanders pulled in more than 80 percent of women voters under 30. That consensus was shattered by his poor showing coming off of a panned debate performance wherein Chris Christie masterfully exposed Rubio’s tendency to repeat well-rehearsed talking points when under pressure.

Earlier, another caucus member, James Clyburn, an influential African American politician, told CNN that Ms Clinton had made significant contributions to issues considered particularly important to black Americans, including universal access to health care and children’s issues.


“I leave the race without an ounce of regret”, Christie said in a Facebook post, noting that while his message had been heard by many, it was “just not enough and that’s ok”. There are more than 1,400 delegates at stake in states such as South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee and Louisiana.

Before New Hampshire primary, Trump campaign shows mellower side