
Hillary Clinton: Half Of Donald Trump’s Supporters Come From ‘Basket Of Deplorables’

“What I did learn is that our leadership, Barack Obama, did not follow what our experts said to do”, Trump said.


“He’s been a leader, far more than our president has been a leader”, Trump said.

The Republican presidential candidate has praised Putin previously as well saying that he would have a “very, very good” relationship with the Russian president if he got elected to the White House as USA president in November.

Clinton’s campaign is standing by her “deplorables” statement, drawing attention to a tweet from a Politico reporter showing she has used the word before to describe Trump supporters.

Clinton’s lead over Trump in national opinion polls has weakened in recent days.

Presidential nominee Hillary Clinton was finally asked a tough question during NBC’s commander-in-chief forum, so naturally the establishment media immediately coagulated around the notion that NBC’s Matt Lauer was the worst moderator ever.

In her Friday evening remarks, Clinton said they should “empathize” with the other half of Trump’s supporters. “Trump admitted to supporting the Iraq war in 2002 before the war began though he did progressively change his decision publicly within the next year”, it says.

The Republican candidate was widely criticized recently when he called her a “co-founder”, along with Obama, of Islamic State.

“I think Vladimir Putin is a thug, a dictator, an autocratic ruler who has his opposition killed in the streets of Russian Federation, he has dismembered his neighbor”, Graham said. “That’s not only unsafe, it should be disqualifying”. “If (Putin) says great things about me, I’m going to say great things about him”.

“Republicans are just in a awful dilemma trying to support a totally unqualified nominee, I have no sympathy for them, it’s their nominee”, she said.

However, it is still short of $140 million raised by his rival Hillary Clinton’s campaign in the same month.


Thursday morning on the “Today” show, which Lauer anchors, the network replayed the exchange with Lauer and noted that Trump had supported the war, and then played the audio of Trump’s interview with Stern.

Hillary Clinton comes off worse than Donald Trump at NBC Commander in Chief forum