
Hillary Clinton Hammers Donald Trump For ‘Throwing His Lot In With’ Putin

Donald Trump fear-mongered in an exclusive interview with CBN News/The Brody File that if he loses, Hillary Clinton will give “illegal immigrants” citizenship and it Republicans will never win another election.


Andy Lack, the chairman of NBC News and MSNBC, also praised Lauer’s performance at the forum in a memo to staff obtained by Politico.

Seizing an opening after a string of gaffes this week left Trump vulnerable, Clinton told reporters here that the 2016 election is the “most important in our lifetime” that calls for “rational, confident and even-keeled leadership”.

“Her policies have produced massive global disorder”, Trump said at an election rally in Florida.

“Hillary Clinton believes that the public school system is one of the pillars of our democracy”.

Trump savaged Clinton for saying during a Wednesday national security forum that she would never place more United States troops on the ground in Iraq to tackle the ISIS terrorist threat. “She’s just too quick to intervene, invade, or to push for regime change”, he said at the summit.

After convening a national security “working session” with a bipartisan group of experts, the Democratic nominee said she wouldn’t wait until November to develop concrete plans for combating terrorism.

First, the Republican presidential candidate sarcastically praised his Democratic opponent.

“We won’t always see eye to eye, but when it comes to questions of war, peace and the safety of our country, we can’t let party affiliation stand between us”, she said.

King said he has not heard from Trump since the interview. “If we got along with Russian Federation, that wouldn’t be so bad, would it?”

Critics of the network, which mostly targets audiences outside of Russian Federation, have described it as a propaganda arm of Putin’s government. Trump has said far worse about Obama in appearances on United States television networks.

Trump criticized USA policy in Iraq from the days of Republican President George W. Bush, who ordered the American-led invasion in 2003 in the aftermath of the September 11, 2001, al Qaeda attacks on the United States.

“Just when Hillary Clinton said she was going to start running a positive campaign, she ripped off her mask and revealed her true contempt for everyday Americans”, said Miller.

He said that any talk of Trump having a ground game is “fantasy” because Trump has yet to build a campaign structure anything like Clinton’s.

The New York businessman also said on RT on Thursday he did not think Russia’s government was behind the hack of Democratic National Committee email servers, and doubted it was trying to interfere in the USA election. The show is also shown on RT America, a Russian-government backed TV outlet.

Trump, in his speech on Friday, stuck to his belief that the United States and Russian Federation can work together to defeat Islamic State militants. “A future where America can find common ground with countries like Russian Federation and China is a better future for our children”, Trump said. “If they want to join us in knocking out ISIS, that’s just fine as far as I’m concerned”.

Trump’s charge is that Clinton, a former USA secretary of state and former U.S. senator, has profited from a “rigged” political system. Up until the final day, there were concerns that Trump might back out, one of the organizers said on condition of anonymity.


Mrs Clinton called the North Korea test “outrageous and unacceptable”, saying she supports imposing additional U.S. and United Nations sanctions.

The Latest: Clinton: Trump 'failed' key leadership test