
Hillary Clinton ‘healthy and fit to serve’

She’s been evaluated by Bardack several times since and her condition has continued to improve, according to the letter.


“The remainder of her complete physical exam was normal and she is in excellent mental condition”, Bardack said.

Bardack added that Clinton “is recovering well with antibiotics”, including Levaquin, which she was told to take for 10 days.

“As all physicians do when seeing a patient for the first time, Dr. Oz took Mr. Trump through a full review of systems”, it said. Her total cholesterol was 189; her LDL or “bad” cholesterol was 103, and her HDL or “good” cholesterol was 56 – all within healthy levels and not signaling the need for any medications.

Meanwhile, the Trump campaign has adopted an indignant tone to ongoing questions about why he hasn’t released his tax returns. “This is very similar, in some ways, to what we got in July of previous year”, Gupta said. “She was advised to see me when she returned from her travels for further testing”, Dr. Bardack wrote. A CT scan of her brain and sinuses showed no abnormalities and mild chronic sinus inflammation.

Clinton is now taking Armor Thyroid, Coumadin, Levaquin (temporarily), Clarinex and B-12 as needed. Video footage taken by a bystander showed Clinton becoming dizzy as she attempted to get into a waiting vehicle.

In December 2012, as Clinton was near the end of her term as secretary of state, she fell at home and suffered a concussion, developing a blood clot shortly thereafter.

Health issues have dominated the race for November’s election since a dizzy spell forced Mrs Clinton, 68, to leave a 9/11 ceremony in NY on Sunday.

Bardack said Clinton is up to date on all vaccines, two given to help prevent pneumonia – Prevnar and Pneumovax. She is expected to return to the campaign trail with an event in Greensboro, North Carolina, on Thursday.

The letter from Clinton’s doctor made no mention of her weight, a key part of any medical exam, nor did a similar letter released a year ago.

Today, Trump filmed an appearance for tomorrow’s “Dr. Oz Show” to discuss the findings of a recent physical exam but did not reveal much more than his height (6 feet 3 inches) and weight (267 pounds).

By the standard of past presidential contests neither candidate is levelling with voters – in 2008, GOP candidate John McCain, who at 71 was about the same age as Trump (70) and Clinton (68), released more than 1173 pages of his medical history. In response to the controversy, Clinton’s team announced it would publically release her medical records.

The campaign said additional details, in the form of a comprehensive letter from Bardack, would be forthcoming later Wednesday.

Republican vice presidential hopeful Mike Pence declined to respond to reporters Wednesday in Dunmore, Pennsylvania, when asked if he planned to release his medical records.

Trump has said he plans to release the details of a recent physical this week.

“He’s always meant to do that”, Lotter told reporters.

While on the campaign trail, though, Clinton has dealt with a nagging cough. She is on minimal medications. A partial health history released by Clinton’s campaign last summer refers to the drug but does not say precisely when it was prescribed.

Clinton has sought to dismiss the suggestions.


After Clinton’s pneumonia diagnosis, she kept the information secret and ignored her doctor’s advice to rest and modify her schedule.

Hillary Clinton the Democratic presidential nominee and her running-mate Sen. Tim Kaine depart the new Clinton campaign jet at Cleveland Hopkins International Airport in Ohio earlier this month. The talk about Clinton’s health highlights the importan