
Hillary Clinton: I Don’t Understand The Meaning Of Establishment Candidate

With a week and a half to go until the voting in the Iowa caucuses – and then just over a week after that for the New Hampshire primary – Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders are waging a stiff battle for these two kickoff contests.


Hillary Clinton told CNN Thursday that she doesn’t understand what Bernie Sanders means when he says that she is part of the Democratic establishment.

Republican National Committee spokesman Sean Spicer, for example, has even promoted Sanders as the victor of Democratic debates and has taunted the Clinton campaign for “getting schooled by a nutty [Vermont] socialist”.

Recent preference polls suggest her lead in Iowa has evaporated and in New Hampshire, Sanders has opened up a significant edge. “But when he does it raises concerns because sometimes it can sound like he hasn’t really thought it through”, Clinton said in Indianola.

“We’re approaching panic mode for the Clinton campaign right now, because the entire argument for her candidacy so far has been basically her inevitability as a result of her wide name recognition and this tremendous political machine that she has behind her”, Markay said.

“Feel the Bern” is Sanders’ top campaign slogan.

They’ve long seen New Hampshire as a tougher race, given Sanders’ decades of representing a neighboring state, but expect Clinton to be strong in South Carolina, Nevada and the Southern states that vote on March 1. You may be surprised to learn Hillary Clinton does not think seem to think she is in that club.

The candidates promised more gun control and higher taxes, and they supported Obama’s nuclear treaty with Iran, which all the Republicans opposed.

This poll, which gave Sanders a 9-point lead over Clinton, came after a CNN/WMUR-TV poll earlier in the week said Sanders had a whopping 27-point advarntage in the same state.

Sanders said the polls show that he should be the choice for the Democratic nomination. The ad shows Sanders greeting mostly white supporters on the campaign trail, with the crowds’ sizes slowly increasing. The switch is dramatic in Iowa, which holds the first-in-the-nation primary, the Iowa caucuses, in just eleven days.

Emily Arvola, a senior elementary education major from Clinton, Iowa, said she’s “torn between her and Bernie”.


“Rather than build on the progress we’ve made, he wants to start over from scratch with a whole new system”, Clinton said, referring to Sanders’ single-payer health care plan.

Hillary Clinton