
Hillary Clinton In Greensboro, NC; First Event Since Break For Pneumonia

Health issues have dominated the race for November’s election since a dizzy spell forced Mrs Clinton, 68, to leave a 9/11 ceremony in NY on Sunday. Bardack added that she’s evaluated Clinton several times since she became “overheated” at the 9/11 memorial ceremony and is “recovering well with antibiotics and rest”. “I examined her immediately upon her return home; she was re-hydrating and recovering nicely”. On Tuesday, while Clinton rested from the campaign trail, the Trump campaign faced questions from the media about why running mate Gov. Mike Pence of IN hesitated to apply the word “deplorable” to Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke.


Bardack wrote past year that while Clinton suffered a scare in 2012 following a concussion, she was now in good health.

The doctor also confirmed that Clinton takes medicine for a thyroid condition, as well as blood thinner Coumadin. Her campaign later disclosed she had been diagnosed with pneumonia two days earlier.

Trump, 70, shared with Dr. Mehmet Oz, the host of the popular daytime show, the results of a recent physical exam that his campaign has yet to release to the public.

National polling averages also show Mrs Clinton’s lead dropping from 6.8 percentage points this time last month to the current 1.8 percentage points.

According to a CNN/ORC poll released on Wednesday, in a four-way race in Ohio, Mr Trump would get 46 per cent of the vote to Mrs Clinton’s 41 per cent.

During the follow-up, Dr. Bardack wrote, a CT scan revealed that the presidential hopeful was suffering from pneumonia. Respondents also said by a margin of 54-37 that Trump was more transparent than Clinton.

“So I think that the real questions need to be directed toward Donald Trump and his failure to even meet the most minimalistic standards that we expect of someone being the nominee of one of our two major parties”, she said.

Picture of health: Hillary Clinton smiles as she speaks to aids on her campaign plane. “Those are the kinds of presidential elections we have in America”, she said. Clinton was treated with an antibiotic called Levaquin, which she was prescribed for 10 days. However after video surfaced showing the former secretary of state struggling to walk, the campaign then revealed she had been diagnosed with pneumonia on Friday.

The Trump campaign yesterday released a doctor’s letter saying its candidate is in “excellent physical health”.

It said Kaine is active in his work and physical fitness.


Any other Republican would have been able to take advantage of Clinton’s illness, but the GOP nominated the one candidate who is terrified to release his health records because he is older than Hillary Clinton. And it begs the question: “what is he trying to hide?”

Ohio poll: Trump has narrow lead over Clinton