
Hillary Clinton jokingly regrets ‘Between Two Ferns’ interview with Zach Galifianakis

Only if there was another way to get Zach to conduct the upcoming presidential debates, it could not have gone better.


In March 2014, President Barack Obama expertly faced Galifianakis’ hilariously offensive questions.

For starters, Galifianakis creeps towards Clinton in a Halloween mask and is promptly tackled by Secret Service agents.

After his failed attempt, Galifianakis quickly began his interview, asking Clinton how she felt about the prospect of becoming the first female president in the history of the United States.

Mr. Galifianakis also took a tongue-in-cheek shot at the fact that Mrs. Clinton is poised to become the first woman president. “Like himself. Weak?” he asked.

“Or maybe a white power tie”, Galifianakis said. Then in what might be one of the funniest captions that could introduce the (possible) future leader of one of the most powerful countries in the world, the words “had pneumonia” was written under Clinton’s name.

“I assume he’ll wear that red power tie”, she said.

At one point she deadpans: “I really regret doing this”.

Watch the entire, hilarious segment above or on amusing or Die.

“Are you excited to be the first girl president?” Galifianakis asks. “Are we gonna be stuck with Tim Kaine for 9 months?”

“I would stay in the United States”, Clinton says.

And he didn’t pull any punches with the Democratic nominee – prodding Secretary Clinton on her health, her position on gun control and the email scandal which dogged the early part of her campaign.

“You know Zach those are really out-of-date questions”.

HC: Don’t tell me what to say.


“He paid me in steaks”, Galifianakis replies. Or in the case of Obama, the White House reached out, and you never quite know if the person knows that their people are reaching out about it.

Hillary Clinton Appears on 'Funny or Die' with Zach Galifianakis