
Hillary Clinton Just Had an Incredible Month of Fundraising

Sanders will attend an organizing event at Lebanon High School where he will “discuss Hillary Clinton’s plan to building an economy that works for everyone, not just those at the top, and Donald Trump’s plan, which would benefit himself and other millionaires and billionaires”, according to the Clinton campaign.


Clinton and Trump are the most unpopular presidential candidates in modern United States politics.

This is a change election; Clinton has a almost 25-year track record which has culminated with an electorate that does not trust her or believe she is honest; and because of his own miscalculations and unprecedented media hostility, it is hard for at least some Trump supporters to admit to pollsters they support him. The network’s Pamela Brown hosts the Clinton special, with Gloria Borger on “All Business: The Essential Donald Trump”.

The Republican nominee can use the help.

His views have scrambled the traditional battle lines in presidential elections.

The one-minute ad, now airing in battleground states, shows young kids watching Donald Trump’s comments on women, guns and minorities.

Surrogates, including Vice President Joe Biden, are on the stump attacking Trump.

Clinton continued her outreach to Republican voters as well Wednesday, pledging before a somewhat muted crowd to “be a president for Democrats, Republicans, independents, for people who vote for me, for people who don’t, for all Americans”.

“In the interests of France”, she said, the White House should go to “anyone but Hillary Clinton”.

By comparison, Barack Obama raised a total of US$97 million in August 2012, including US$84 million for his campaign, according to the New York Times.

NBC and MSNBC will air the 60-minute program simultaneously at 8 p.m. EDT. In North Carolina, the race is essentially tied: she trails by less than 1%.

The poll numbers are not a guarantee Clinton will win, of course.

The shift brings the race back to where it was before the conventions in July. It has a margin of error of plus or minus 4.6 points for registered voters, and plus or minus 5.6 points for likely voters.

Clinton then added that building those relationships “certainly takes more than making up for a year of insults by dropping in on our neighbors for a few hours and flying home again”.


Also read: The stock market has already picked the next US president. Results were released Thursday. The analysts switched their Senate-race ratings in the presidential battleground states of New Hampshire and Pennsylvania to “leans Democratic” from “toss up”, even as they switched the Florida and OH races to “leans Republican”.

Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign raises $143m in August