
Hillary Clinton leads Donald Trump by 6 points in White House race

“We should all be concerned about the effect his (Trump’s) menacing call will have on the ability of people of color to exercise their right to vote without fear”.


To gauge military households, we asked respondents if they or anyone in their household is now serving in the military or is a military veteran.

Clinton, Manafort said, “has spent all of this money and it hasn’t gotten her anything”.

“We are going to lead the world in accordance with our value, in pursuance of our interests and furtherance of our security along with our friends and allies”, she said. With voters under 45, Clinton leads Trump in Texas 60-35 percent.

Hillary Clinton’s newest talking point on the campaign trail: Olympic athletes prove Donald Trump is wrong. It must be restored for the sake of all but most especially for the sake of those living in the affected communities, ‘ Trump told a few hundred enthusiastic supporters who shouted out ‘Lock her up!’ and ‘Treason!’ at mentions of Clinton. This spring, amid heightened tensions over his controversial immigration proposals, several physical confrontations and assaults were caught on camera.

But the West Bend crowd says don’t count Trump out – or his ability to surprise.

“Everyone should have respect for the law and be respected by the law”, she added at the rally.

Trump bashed the ‘peddling the narrative of cops as a racist force in our society – with a nod by my opponent’.

Since 1964, no GOP nominee has received more than 20 percent of the African-American vote.

Trump has a reputation of ignoring prepared speeches and delivering spontaneous remarks.

The city enforced a curfew on teenagers Monday night after the violence in an effort to restore peace.

But that number dropped when the pollsters followed up by asking whether voters would support secession if Clinton won the election.

“Good policing saves lives”, Trump said.

Trump began his visit with a meeting with local law enforcement officers at the Milwaukee County War Memorial Center on Lake Michigan. “It’s kept her afloat”. He said that Clinton’s policies have contributed to poverty and have put led to the deterioration of inner cities. It includes affluent suburbs filled with the college-educated white voters that Trump has struggled to reach.

“He’s laying some groundwork for later calling the election illegitimate”, said Lorraine Minnite, an associate professor of public policy at Rutgers University in New Jersey and the author of The Myth of Voter Fraud. All Americans have a national duty and responsibility to vote. “Now she is proposing to print instant work permits for millions of illegal immigrants to come in and take everybody’s job, including low income African Americans”.

Bardack reiterated what she originally said last summer – that Clinton is fit to serve as president.


The concerns over Trump’s plans, however, come as the U.S. Department of Justice recently announced a significant reduction in its use of federal election observers, something it said came as a outcome of a 2013 U. S. Supreme Court decision striking down a key provision in the national Voting Rights Act.

Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks in Youngstown Ohio Monday Aug. 15 2016