
Hillary Clinton makes history – and lays into Donald Trump

In stark contrast with Trump’s speech a week ago, which created a dark and foreboding picture of America, Hillary Clinton underscored its diversity and idealism in crafting her 57-minute address.


“I’ve been watching these speeches at night, and boy am I getting hit”, Trump said at an event Thursday in Iowa.

During a briefing on Thursday, Clinton’s communications director, Jennifer Palmieri, revealed that the former secretary of state’s speech will focus on people seeing “the woman, the full three-dimensional person that she is”.

“Your cause is our cause”, she told her former rival’s his ardent supporters – and they gave her plenty of applause.

The applause line came in the context of climate change policy, one of the issues that distinguishes Clinton from her GOP foe, Donald Trump.

Hillary Clinton declared her belief in science. She also carefully explained why a man with the incompetence, anger, and dishonesty of Donald Trump isn’t fit to lead the way forward.

Outgoing US President Barack Obama received a huge applause from the audience at the Democratic Party’s convention.

“I find it highly amusing that Donald Trump talks about make America great again”, Clinton said in front of a packed crowd at Temple University in Philadelphia. However, one Gallup poll found her to be the country’s most admired woman.

She is the latest person accused of plagiarism at the 2016 political conventions.

Both Clinton and Trump donated large chunks of invaluable convention time to softening their public image. “Because when more than 90 per cent of the gains have gone to the top 1 per cent, that’s where the money is”, she said.

And mocking her Republican counterpart’s notoriously thin skin, Clinton declared, “A man you can bait with a tweet is not a man you can trust with nuclear weapons”.

The idea that those who backed Sanders would flip over to supporting Trump is laughable to anyone who knows anything about the Sanders campaign and what they are fighting for. “I’m starting to agree with you”.

It had been a tough week for Clinton, who was the target of protests by pro-Sanders groups galvanized against the Democratic nominee.

“I will carry all of your voices and stories with me to the White House”, she said.

Yet it’s not only those within her party, who might be disinclined to vote for her, who Hillary needs to now convince.

“I’ve had a lovely, I’ve had a flawless campaign”, he said.


“He wants to divide us from the rest of the world and from each other”, she said, mocking Mr Trump’s claim that he alone can “fix” the country.

Obama passes baton to Clinton, imploring nation to elect her