
Hillary Clinton makes history – and unity

Clinton further objected to Trump’s assertion that he alone can fix what’s wrong with the nation, noting that Americans solve problems together and invoking the phrase “it takes a village”, which is the title of a book she wrote.


“Does Donald Trump have the temperament to be commander-in-chief?” she asked.

At this point you have to ask if Donald Trump puts something in the campaign coffee pots that is pulling even people who once pretended at a bit of dignity into Trump’s own vortex of narcissistic delusion. He loses his cool at the slightest provocation. “A man you can bait with a tweet is not a man we can trust with nuclear weapons”. “And if that’s going to mean that we’re going to lose some Republican votes, so be it”, Giuliani said.

In several passages Clinton went right at Trump’s appeal to white working-class voters – that despite his vast wealth he relates to their anxiety and anger and he has the business acumen to transform the USA economy to their advantage.

Republicans said that history and her high negative numbers among rank-and-file Republican voters make it unlikely she’ll find many cross-over voters. That’s the same sales pitch he made to all those small businesses.

Later on, Clinton played off of Trump’s “Make America Great Again” campaign slogan. Trump suits in Mexico, not MI.

The previously unreported incident at the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, or DCCC, and its potential ties to Russian hackers, are likely to heighten accusations, so far unproven, that Moscow is trying to meddle in the USA election to help Trump. “Trump picture frames in India, not Wisconsin”. “He wants us to fear the future and fear each other”, she said of Mr. Trump.

“America is once again at a moment of reckoning”.

She countered Trump’s claim that he knows more about the terrorist group ISIS than US generals do, saying, “No, Donald, you don’t”.

She was, however, able to strike sunny, optimistic, patriotic notes to contrast with Trump’s gloomy acceptance speech at his convention one week earlier.

Eight years after losing her Democratic nomination race to Barack Obama, the former first lady, USA senator from NY and secretary of State also sought to reintroduce herself to the American people, with the help of testimonials from other speakers and a biographical film. “They’re trying to take all our stuff”.

And it was Clinton’s takedown of the billionaire, whose name she mentioned 22 times, that was the most bracing part of her presentation. Of course not. They blistered her on social media throughout and, no doubt, into the wee hours. “I think majority are going to come around”.

Those who will decide this election are those in the middle who’ve come to worry that there might be something to the Republican caricature of her as a mendacious, power-hungry ogre, and to suspect that Trump’s unapologetically reckless bluster is what’s needed to bring positive change to Washington.

Clinton aides dismissed the protests as little more than a few holdouts. “I’m proud to stand by our allies in North Atlantic Treaty Organisation against any threat they face, including from Russian Federation”, she said, in a denunciation of Mr. Trump’s position that the terms of the alliance needs to be reworked.


Chelsea Clinton then introduced Ms. Hillary Clinton, the mother. She got the job done.

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