
Hillary Clinton Meets Val the Bartender on ‘Saturday Night Live’

After Kate McKinnon’s Clinton showed up at a late-night bar, she orders a stiff drink from her friendly bartender Val.


Clinton’s campaign tweeted out a photo from the sketch, and the message, “A vote for Hillary is a vote for four more years of Kate McKinnon’s impression”.

Hillary the bartender shugs in response, “I’m just an ordinary citizen who believes the Keystone Pipeline will destroy our environment”.

“I could have supported it sooner”, McKinnon said, to which Clinton retorted, “well you did it pretty soon”. The sketch starts with Cyrus and Kyle Mooney about to say their “I do’s” when Mooney abruptly runs out of the room to whine to Beck Bennett and Bobby Moynihan about his unwillingness to marry Cyrus, despite how flawless she would be as a wife. “All anybody wants to talk about is Donald Trump”. Beyond the cameo from Darrell Hammond-as-Bill Clinton, this was one of the best moments, with McKinnon-as-Clinton admitting that she could have shown her support for it earlier.

Hillary Clinton made a special appearance on the season opener of the Saturday Night Live, but was seen doing something that got fans into fits of laughter. The Democratic presidential candidate also took shots at Republican contender Donald Trump, deepening her voice in imitation of one of his pointed pronouncements. Instead, the appearance handed Clinton an opportunity to be self-deprecating, winking at her own stiffness and acknowledging a few of her own weaknesses in a manner that seemed to score her points with the audience. She was amusing in “The Millennials”, a slightly new take on the same old criticisms we’ve heard a million times about kids these days.


In the sketch, McKinnon sat with Cecily Strong, who was playing Clinton’s long-time aide Huma Abedin. Peppered through the skit were occasional comments from McKinnon on Clinton being “real”. Isn’t he the one that’s like, (impersonating Donald Trump) oh, you’re all losers? Clinton, still the favorite to win the Democratic primary, has slipped rapidly in polls, hurt by voters who view her as untrustworthy. Clinton deadpans, “I’m only a standard subject who trusts the Keystone pipeline will devastate our surroundings”.

Hillary Clinton Takes Jabs at Trump in 'SNL&#039 Cameo