
Hillary Clinton Meets with Mothers of Black Men Killed by Gun Violence

In between fundraisers in Chicago, Clinton met with the mothers of Trayvon Martin, Tamir Rice and Michael Brown.


· Sabrina Fulton, mother of Trayvon Martin.

“But, I do so hoping that my successor, who’s not African-American, if he or she is not, that they’ll be just as concerned as I am because this is part of what it means to ideal our union”, he said.

Trump said that “she’s not raising rates for a very specific reason – because Obama told her not to”.

Rep. Bobby Rush, a longtime Chicago congressman, was seen leaving the cafe shortly after the meeting got underway.

Clinton followed that event with a fundraising “conversation” with supportive members of Chicago’s legal community at the Hyatt Regency Hotel. Davis was a 17-year-old African-American highschool student killed in a 2014 shooting in that started with a grievance about loud music. The group has protested Clinton twice during her presidential campaign.

Protests over a string of shootings involving African-American men in the past few years, especially following the case of Brown, have evolved into the Black Lives Matter movement, which touches on criminal justice reform. Clinton acknowledged the protesters by saying “Yes, black lives do matter”.

“Yes, they do and I’m gonna talk a lot about that in a minute”, she said.


She has promised to ban racial profiling and help former inmates find jobs. “And we need all of us to try walking into one another’s shoes”. Between 88 and 92 people a day are killed by guns”, Clinton says in the ad. “We need to close the loopholes and support universal background checks.

Hillary Clinton Meets With Trayvon Martin's Mother Other Moms of Kids Killed by Gun Violence