
Hillary Clinton meets with mothers of Tamir Rice, Michael Brown, Trayvon

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is meeting with the family of Trayvon Martin during a campaign swing through Chicago, CNN reports. Zimmerman, a neighborhood watch captain, later was acquitted in the death.


The Presidential hopeful met with Rice as well as the mothers of Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown and Jordan Davis, the news agency adds, at a Chicago cafe. But Clinton’s Monday afternoon with a group of mothers who lost children to gun violence sought to nurture her African American support and highlight her criminal justice reform proposals.

The movement most recently protested Clinton during her speech at the historically black college Clark Atlanta University.

“But, I do so hoping that my successor, who’s not African-American, if he or she is not, that they’ll be just as concerned as I am because this is part of what it means to ideal our union”, he said.

Clinton shared the “heartbreaking stories” of their children, according to a statement released by her campaign on Monday night. She was introduced by Mayor Rahm Emanuel, who endorsed her campaign in May before she even officially became a candidate.


Clinton visited a black church in June near Ferguson, where she spoke about the need to confront deep unresolved issues of race. After the Polsky event, Clinton’s motorcade headed to the Hyatt Regency Hotel for a reception with members of Chicago’s legal community, where donors also paid $2,700 per person.

Hillary Clinton to attend 3 Chicago fundraisers Monday