
Hillary Clinton meets with President Obama

In an editorial in the New York Times on Monday, former Secretary of State and current Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton, said that as president she would “go well beyond Dodd-Frank” by vetoing any attempt to weaken financial reform and fighting for “tough new rules, stronger enforcement, and more accountability”.


“They are now the most effective recruiter in the world”, Clinton said of ISIS, saying that “we need to put the great disruptors to work in disrupting” the terrorist organization.

She would offer a significant new tax credit to encourage investment in areas of the country that are losing manufacturing jobs.

The Clinton credit could be claimed over seven years under the existing New Markets Tax Credit the federal government uses to entice commercial development in urban areas, according to the Clinton campaign.

U.S. Rep. Ruben Gallego, D-Ariz., a Clinton supporter who represents a Phoenix-based congressional district, applauded her proposal.

“I applaud Hillary Clinton’s plan to help companies reinvest in communities like ours who have lost jobs from manufacturing shifts”, Brown, whose district includes both Pine Hills and Washington Shores, said in a statement.

Earlier in December, manufacturing facilities in Minnesota and Midwest reported the worst monthly business conditions in three years.

The White House has been wary of appearing to tip the scales, but has at times voiced public displeasure at the Clinton camp, most notably over her opposition to Obama s signature trans-Pacific free trade deal.

Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton does not shy away from same-sex couples sharing kisses in her latest campaign video on LGBTI equality. “That’s something not just for MI, but probably aimed at Ohio, Wisconsin and all of the Rust Belt states”.

Pfizer Inc last month announced it would buy Allergan Plc in a deal worth $160 billion in part to slash its USA tax bill. She also plans to make financial firms admit wrongdoing as part of settlements in addition to the fines they pay to the government-and ensure that those fines cut into the executives’ bonuses.

And while the president’s suggestion has run into staunch opposition in the Republican-controlled Congress, Clinton insisted that plans such as Pfizer’s “leave US taxpayers holding the bag”.


Sanders, Clinton’s main rival for the Democratic nomination, has filed legislation that would continue to tax companies involved with inversion deals as American corporations if they remain US-majority owned.

Hillary Clinton: 'end the nexus of terrorism and technology'