
Hillary Clinton must apologise: Donald Trump

On both counts, Hillary Clinton is running a country mile ahead of Donald Trump. Some assert, the question now is not “if” she will win but by “how much”.


According to a poll by GenForward, only 28 percent of people in the crucial 18-30 demographic agree that the “two major parties do a good job of representing the American people”. That compares with 34 per cent support for Trump.

The future looks even bleaker for the Republicans: more than two-thirds of young voters-and especially young minority voters-say the Grand Old Party does not care about them. The answer may lie in a general disentrancement with the more conventional style of politics, especially among the young, unemployed and uninitiated American voter. In the process though, Trump turned key voters away from him.

It may still be early in the election process but the pace at which Trump’s ratings are heading south with no sign of letting up, nothing less than a miracle of divine proportions can change his fortune.

Dear Editor: In my opinion, there is an urgency facing this nation with Donald Trump being the nominee for the Republican Party.

Republicans are exploring a new strategy where they will admit to voters that Donald Trump is going to lose to Hillary Clinton in an attempt to save their majorities in the House and Senate. That looks nothing more than an illusion now.

Overall, pollsters found the states of California, Connecticut, Delaware, DC, Hawaii, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, Washington, Minnesota and New Mexico solidly behind Clinton, while Colorado, Michigan, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Wisconsin all tilt in her direction. Her memoirs testify to that.

If Trump was to win all the remaining battleground states on the map, he’d still be shy of the 270 votes needed to win the White House which means he is going to have to pick off at least one of the states now leaning in Clinton’s direction in addition to running the table in those battlegrounds, he wrote. Meanwhile, a U.S. federal judge has ordered Democratic Presidential nominee Hillary Clinton to answer written questions from a watchdog group about her use of a private email server when she served as Secretary of State.

“Her failed decisions as secretary of state unleashed ISIS onto the world”. Not surprising, therefore, that President Obama, in his valedictory speech at the Democrat Party Convention, called Hillary the most qualified person to move in to the Oval Office. He also is known for the same kind of brash, take-no-prisoners talk that Trump favors. “It gives you more real estate in a more uncluttered way to break through”. Only a week later, Clinton has increased her lead by three percentage points.


The writer is a former Foreign Secretary of Bangladesh and Ambassador to the United States.

LI #05 Naked Trump Statue