
Hillary Clinton ‘must become’ next US president: Bernie Sanders

His supporters were so raucous and exuberant that Sanders had trouble getting very far in his speech, in which he spent the first several minutes praising his supporters, and telling them he “look(s) forward to your votes at tomorrow night’s roll call!” Having gone through the cornerstones of his campaign, Sanders praised Clinton as an “outstanding” president-to-be.


The 74-year-old former mayor of Burlington even found himself getting booed when he addressed his supporters and told them there was no alternative to voting for Ms Clinton.

“I don’t believe that Hillary Clinton has anyone’s interest in mind but her own”, he said.

Mrs. Obama is trying to bring unity to the Democratic Party as the convention gets underway in the City of Brotherly Love.

When asked whether Republican nominee Donald Trump was a better choice, Boulger emphatically replied: “I don’t give a (expletive) about Trump! OK?”

Many of Bernie Sanders’ have disrupted the Democratic National Convention on Monday. She highlighted that on Thursday, 13 million people are set to leave the Democratic Party in protest to Clinton’s nomination. “But tonight, let’s raise our voices in gratitude to a man who helped make this party greater than ever”.

“Can I just say, to the “Bernie or bust” people: You’re being ridiculous”, Silverman said. But his appeals elicited a mix of boos and cheers, as delegates shouted, “We want Bernie!”.

“Together, my friends, we have begun a political revolution to transform America, and that revolution – our revolution – continues”, he said, to an engaged and at times emotional crowd.

Sanders’ supporters had a variety of reactions, some emotional, while others booed at the mention of Hillary Clinton’s name. Sanders delegates have pushed to have their votes fully tallied.

As Sanders detailed the policy ideas that he and Clinton both support, the crowd mostly applauded.

Bernie Sanders is taking the stage later in the night.

Sanders’ supporters have reached a new level of distrust in the Democratic Party after leaked emails last week showed that party officials had made disparaging remarks about their candidate, and apparently worked to ensure that Clinton was the party’s nominee.

The first day of the Democratic convention featured a host of top political leaders like Senator Elizabeth Warren and Cory Booker, and stars like Demi Lovato, Paul Simon and Boyz II Men.

“I’m ninth-generation American. My family never crossed a border – the border crossed us”, the actress said, noting that Texas was once part of Mexico.


“It’s hard when your candidate loses especially when your candidate painted such a powerful picture of what we could accomplish in this nation and came so close to winning”, he said.

Hillary Clinton