
Hillary Clinton needs convention bump as popularity slides to 20-year low

(His camp insists that he just meant that any actors with knowledge of Clinton’s emails should turn them over to the FBI.) It is hard to overstate how much bewilderment and concern the comment prompted from foreign policy experts on both sides of the aisle. “We can use President Clinton with any audience that is part of our base or the swing universe that we are reaching for” Joel Benenson, Hillary’s senior strategist, told Politico.


Certainly, it’s been a long journey for Clinton, who campaigned and lost the Democratic nomination to Barack Obama in 2008.

Liberal favorite Elizabeth Warren, senator from MA, and Sanders himself also gave the party something to cheer about Monday night.

“Voters don’t trust her and feel that she is not a strong leader”. “This right now, is the greatest country on earth”, she said.

An emotional Larry Sanders cast the votes of Democrats Abroad (including Americans in Ireland) for his kid brother Bernie during the roll-call vote. Some of his supporters were in tears.

Clinton’s husband, former president Bill Clinton, got a kick out of it.

“Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing”, Trump said.

Democrats made a pronounced effort to showcase their diversity, salting the lineup from the stage with black, Hispanic, gay and disabled speakers in an obvious counterpoint to Trump and the various groups he has upset with his remarks.

Hillary Clinton handily won the Democratic primary, but Sanders supporters say that’s because the system was rigged.

Why the antipathy? Every leading Democrat – including Sanders – backs Clinton.

Sanders delegate Gian Carlo Espinosa, 29, of Key West, Florida, said he would not abandon protests, as Sanders urged. Didn’t his campaign win a meaningful battle over the Democratic platform and future election rules? This, despite Sanders telling his backers in an email and text message: “Our credibility as a movement will be damaged by booing, turning of backs, walking out or other similar displays”. Several hundred Sanders backers marched down Philadelphia streets, with signs saying “Never Hillary”.

“This isn’t just for the few of us here, it’s for everybody in the nation and they just don’t see it”, said Ledesma.

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton takes photos with supporters as she campaigns at East Los Angeles College in Los Angeles, the United States, May 5, 2016.

Politifact, which deemed the RNC’s assertion about Monday “true,” also noted that Clinton did address the issue of ISIS and terrorism on Monday-but she did so during a speech to the Veterans of Foreign Wars in Charlotte, N.C., not in Philadelphia.


235: Number of days (as of Tuesday) since Hillary Clinton last held a press conference. The evening’s program, which went through the various periods of Clinton’s life, featured a section on her tenure as secretary of State and some discussion of ISIS and terrorism as a result. He would take on Trump in the area where the NY real estate developer seeks to appeal to voters: his business acumen, said campaign chair Podesta. And she’s the only person who can prevent a Trump victory.

Former US president Bill Clinton addresses the second day of the Democratic National Convention at the Wells Fargo Center