
Hillary Clinton Opens Double-Digit Lead Over Donald Trump in New Poll

“The issue going forward here is the contest is going to be between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, and we are making the case forcefully every day”.


She faces the pillory over possible mishandling of classified information while he hangs on by his fingernails and risks a possible nervous breakdown over how he will get the top 1 percent to pay for freedom of speech on college campuses.

In portraying Trump as an intolerable alternative, Clinton will find echoes in the GOP establishment and among the Kristol-Kagan neocons, many of whom have already signed an open letter rejecting Trump. They always give up in California as a Republican because they say we can’t win. “All of these countries that are our allies-she talks about our allies-our allies think we’re very stupid people”.

Hours before that, in what was presented as a major foreign policy speech delivered in San Diego , Clinton let loose a fusillade of scornful putdowns and scorching slights of the kind seldom heard in the higher reaches of USA politics, which is generally governed by an unwritten civil code of conduct, broken largely in 2017 by the tempestuous Trump. The troubles, she said, almost made her decide to sit the convention out but, “even if it is not fun, this is something I am committed to do”.

“Moscow and Beijing are deeply envious of our alliances around the world, because they have nothing to match them, Clinton said”.

Despite the fact that Clinton is still fighting a primary against Sanders, she seems to have a more unified Democrat party behind her than Trump has of Republicans. “I condemned it when Donald Trump was inciting it and congratulating people who were engaging in it”, Clinton told Tapper.

Sanders said today during a news conference on jobs and the economy at the University of California, Berkeley, he gets why so many Americans are disgusted with Trump – but violence isn’t the answer.

However, John Podesta, Clinton’s campaign manager, was quick to condemn the violence in a Tweet that included video of a Trump supporter being beaten. “She doesn’t want to go to jail”. “It is disappointing that instead of talking about why Trump’s message is divisive and hateful, we’re talking about disruptions by a small number of protesters”.

A veteran political commentator, columnist and writer, Pat Buchanan is also a former White House Communications Director for the Reagan Administration, and a former Republican and Reform Party presidential candidate.

“People were driving muscle cars, driving slowly, flying the Mexican flag, spoiling for a fight”, said Dhillon, who was caught between protesters and police as she left the rally and sought safety inside a nearby hotel restaurant.

“I was so praying for it”, Adriana Constantino said. Without them, she would need 614.


“Hillary hates Obama, you know that?”

Hillary Clinton at a Women for Hillary campaign event at West Los Angeles College on Friday