
Hillary Clinton outdoing Donald Trump in Pennsylvania

Trump asked the crowd. “Let’s see what happens to her”, Trump said, in what many interpreted as a wishing of harm on the Democratic nominee. “It would be very risky”, Trump said in Miami.


Trump’s meaning was not immediately clear and a campaign spokeswoman did not immediately respond to a request for an elaboration.

Clinton, speaking before Obama delivered his final keynote address to the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, did not mention Trump by name but showered the president with praise and said the upcoming election would be a pivotal choice for the country.

“This kind of talk should be out of bounds for a presidential candidate”, Mook wrote.

A spokeswoman for the Secret Service declined to comment.

Clinton said of Obama: “Mr. President, not only do we know you are an American, you are a great American”. “Although the Second Amendment (the right to own guns) people, maybe there is, I don’t know”, Trump said during a rally in North Carolina in August.

It’s certainly not over for the Clinton campaign, which is hoping voters – particularly African-Americans – don’t forget Trump’s role in perpetuating the conspiracy.

Four in five African-Americans hold an unfavorable view of the Republican candidate, and only 6 percent said they would feel comfortable with him serving as commander-in-chief.

“This guy’s unqualified to be president and he shows no interest in even gaining the rudimentary knowledge required to make really hard decisions on a day to day basis”, Obama said of the Republican presidential candidate.

“It was a contentious issue, and – by the way – an issue that Patti Solis Doyle of the Clinton campaign of 2008 has recently admitted was an issue that Mrs. Clinton also injected into her campaign in 2008 in a very quiet but direct way against then-Senator Obama”, Christie said.

“You may have heard Hillary’s opponent in this election say that there’s never been a worse time in America to be a black person”, Obama said. U.S. society is uncomfortable with powerful women and that is why the United States has not yet elected a woman president, President Barack Obama said yesterday.

Trump also said the USA has a broader obligation to stand with oppressed people – a comment that seems at odds with his “America first” mantra.

“Today we’ve opened the doors of opportunity and our economy is in the top 10 and people who fought in every step of the way have realized, ‘Wait a minute, we’re better when we let everybody around the table, we’re actually a stronger, ‘ ” Kaine said.


He added that the people of Venezuela “are yearning to be free, they are yearning for help”.

New Clinton Ad Brutally Exposes Trump's Birther Lies