“It’s not just a Maine affair”, he said.
The rhetorical shift reflects Clinton’s attempt to plug the most immediate hole in her listing base of voters. She has stood up time and time again to Republican attempts to limit women’s freedom and sovereignty over their own bodies. The primary problem with her statement?
A new Washington Post-ABC News poll gives a clear view of Clinton’s status.
Earlier, Clinton listened to the stories of people recovering from drug addiction and family members who lost loved ones to substance abuse. Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, the former head of the Defense Intelligence Agency during the Obama administration, told Fox’s Megyn Kelly that is is “likely” foreign spies compromised her email server. House Speaker Glenn Cummings supported Obama.
Clinton, whose campaign has always tried to tamper any notions of “inevitability” that have often surrounded her, says she’s not surprised by Sanders’ surge – that she always expected a competitive primary.
At a stop in Concord, Clinton told the audience she was disappointed with Wednesday’s GOP debate.
“Sanders has consolidated the anti-Clinton vote“.
There’s some reason for Clinton to worry in Maine. “Clip+save this entire section for a general election“. A YouGov/CBS poll on Sunday said Sanders also was ahead in Iowa, site of the first caucuses.
The DNC has scheduled six debates, drawing protests from some Democratic candidates, including Martin O’Malley and Bernie Sanders, who have called for more. Daniel Radcliffe said during a recent interview with the Big Issue. “It is refreshing to have a candidate that doesn’t look at polls to craft his message“.
Her campaign said New Hampshire Gov. Maggie Hassan would endorse Clinton on Friday at an event at the University of New Hampshire.
Republican-controlled standing committees in Congress have conducted no fewer than eight investigations into the matter so far, all fallow. “They’re all trying to vie for more attention from, obviously, the Republican Party“, Clinton said. Clinton fatigue among Democrats is one thing, but the total anarchy in the Republican Party is quite another.
Trump’s follow-up? “I think you are a handsome woman“.
In “Killing the Messenger”, Brock writes that Move On “rather cynically see the opportunity to build their e-mail lists and make some money by backing “a more progressive alternative” against Hillary Clinton“.
The survey found that seven in 10 Americans say people in politics can’t be trusted, and six in 10 say the political system is dysfunctional, including majorities of Democrats, Republicans and independents.
“One major difference right now is enthusiasm”, a CBS spokesman said in a news release.