
Hillary Clinton Pledges Broadband for All Americans in $275 Billion

Almost 7,800 pages’ worth of e-mails were released Monday night as part of an ongoing investigation into whether the presidential front-runner received and sent classified information through an unsecured private server during her time as secretary of state.


“I saw a lot of business people”, Clinton continued.

A meeting of female Democratic senators backing Hillary Clinton’s campaign Monday had one glaring omission, but no one mentioned it. In fact, some in the room seemed to suggest that it wasn’t happening. However, he also added another more personal reason for omitting the graphic: “it’s the heinous MSNBC and I just can’t bring myself to give them that satisfaction”.

The focus on Clinton’s emails has eased somewhat since her testimony before a House special Benghazi committee last month that uncovered no new evidence that Clinton played a role in denying additional security requests at the US embassy in Libya before the September 11, 2012 attacks.

Clinton’s plan would put $250 billion toward direct federal spending on infrastructure, while the remaining $25 billion would be seed funds to launch what her campaign described as a “strategic infrastructure bank”.

Clinton acknowledged in March that she exclusively used a private email account and private server from 2009 to 2013 while secretary of state, opting against a government account despite official recommendations.

On the campaign trail, Clinton often invokes her gender as a positive reason for her candidacy. With that in mind, she says her plan will build on the Obama Administration’s efforts to equip public places, including libraries, schools, and mass transit systems, with these high-speed connections.

“If you close your eyes, you might think Elizabeth Warren is talking, “wrote CNN Money’s Tami Luhby after Clinton launched her campaign with a video in April”.

SC is a pivotal state in next year’s Democratic primary.

Meanwhile, Clinton also told Rose that she isn’t running because she wants to be the first female president, but because she loves the United States.

On Sunday, Clinton went to Warren’s home ground of Boston, where she celebrated the endorsement of the union-backed mayor, Marty Walsh.

She is also scheduled to be in Orlando on Wednesday for what her campaign describes as a “grassroots organizing event”.


Clinton’s aides and supporters showered her with gushing praise, complimenting everything from her appearance to her policies, and the volume and emotion of those messages only grew as her tenure in the Cabinet came to an end. You looked real. There’s a difference.

State Department to release new Clinton emails, including 1 once deemed classified