
Hillary Clinton Proposes Caregiver Tax Credit

The new Clinton proposal, presented during a town hall in Iowa on Sunday, includes a tax credit to offset up to $6,000 in home caregiving expenses and an expansion of Social Security benefits to those who take time off to care for a family member. “Clinton believes that it is time to reform our tax policies, Social Security system, and work-family policies, to support paid and unpaid caregivers and to recognize their fundamental contributions to families and to America”.


This proposal is part of a series of tax cuts that Clinton plans to roll out in the coming weeks.

According to the former secretary of state, the plan would cost about $10 billion over a period of 10 years.

In the two months since their encounter, Clinton has mentioned Thompson in almost every major speech – and she speaks frequently about the “caregiver crisis” facing those who look after loved ones full-time without enough financial support.

More than 400 people packed in to voice their concerns to presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

Under her plan, Clinton would also invest more money into programs that provide grant dollars for respite care needs, like short stays in caregiving facilities, and launch a government-wide “Care Workers Initiative” to guide training and placement for care workers and ensure that they are paid fairly.

Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., works the crowd at the Jenkins Orphanage in North Charleston, S.C., Saturday, Nov. 21, 2015, during the Blue Jamboree event.

Clinton, who was in the midst of a campaign swing through the South, has tried to create a wedge on taxes with her main rival for the nomination, Vermont Sen. She has accused Sanders of promoting programs that she says would raise taxes on middle-class families, including his plan for a single-payer health system based on Medicare. “I think you’re going to see us picking up a lot of steam here in SC….” Kirsten Gillibrand-sponsored paid family leave bill, which includes a 0.2pc middle class tax increase.

The Democratic front-runner for the 2016 presidential election told a rally in SC that she has the “toughest” proposals for dealing with Wall Street.

Democratic front runner Hillary Clinton was in Clinton, Iowa, Sunday.


The Clinton aide said that family members often spend time out of the workforce, cut back on hours, or use personal days, vacation, and family time to provide care.

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