
Hillary Clinton pushes for votes as Bernie Sanders gains in the polls

Clinton was far less combative in New Hampshire – the state next to the Vermont senator’s home, where he holds a commanding 27-point lead over Clinton in the latest CNN/WMUR poll – and focused more on her policy proposals than she did on contrasting herself with the Vermont senator whose favorable rating, in both internal and external polls, is exceedingly high.


Ms Clinton made this one of her main lines of attack at a rally at a liberal arts college in Indianola, Iowa. The question is whether that edge vanishes if Sanders defeats Clinton in the first two contests, a distinct possibility. And on the critical issue of trust, Sanders has almost a 15-point advantage over the former first lady.

A CNN poll gave Sanders a shock lead, 51 percent to 43 percent, and O’Malley at 4 percent.

In the video released by her campaign, Clinton’s top foreign policy adviser, Jake Sullivan, explains that Clinton disagrees with Sanders when it comes to ISIS and Iran.

Hammering the senator on his policies from healthcare to gun control and on his electability in November’s general election, Mrs Clinton warned Iowans that his plans for a universal government-funded healthcare system would lead to “gridlock” in Washington. Jeanne Shaheen, who has endorsed Clinton, used Sanders’ comments to energize the crowd for her candidate.

The Sanders campaign attributed her attacks to the latest poll numbers in a state where she was once expected to win easily.

Some independent voters said that in addition to Sanders, they were also considering voting in the Republican primary for either Ohio Governor John Kasich or NY businessman Donald Trump.

Clinton has been hammering Sanders on a few specific issues in an effort to draw distinctions and peel away some of his support. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., means when he says that she is an establishment candidate, suggesting that Sanders is in fact more establishment, reported CNN. In New Hampshire, independent voters – almost one third of the state’s electorate – can request either party’s ballot in the primary.


“I know what it is like to run from behind in New Hampshire and I know what it is like to come from behind and win in New Hampshire”, Clinton said, raising her voice at the National Association for the Repeal of Abortion Laws’ Pro-Choice Roe v. Wade Dinner.

Stephen B. Morton  AP