
Hillary Clinton raised record $143 million in August

And a Fox News poll, which often leads conservative, has Clinton beating Trump 41 to 39 percent, although her lead in that poll has been shrinking in recent weeks.


Trump, meanwhile, had a 37 percent favorable/58 percent unfavorable rating in August compared to 33 percent favorable/62 percent unfavorable in July.

“Donald Trump’s divisive rhetoric continues to drive voters away from him and the Republican Party and has created new opportunities for Democrats up and down the ticket”, Robby Mook, Clinton’s campaign manager, said in a statement.

The campaign of Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has not yet announced its fundraising haul for August. We asked if people thought Trump was biased against women or minorities, and 60 percent of Americans said that he was. She headlined several events in the Hamptons earlier this week.

This is a change election; Clinton has a almost 25-year track record which has culminated with an electorate that does not trust her or believe she is honest; and because of his own miscalculations and unprecedented media hostility, it is hard for at least some Trump supporters to admit to pollsters they support him.

Additionally, both Trump and Clinton have roughly equal unfavorable ratings from voters in the Old Dominion with Trump at 55 percent and Clinton at 54 percent.

Presumably, Suffolk’s 7 percent of Trump backers who think he is racist fit into that 13 percent. Most polls in the past have shown voters believing Trump is more honest than Clinton.

Trump’s views on health care seem fluid.

Going into Labor Day, Trump and Clinton are fighting it out in a number of key battleground states that will decide the next president. As per RealClearPolitics.Com, which keeps tracks of all major national polls, Clinton is leading Trump by 4.9 percentage points in the average of all major polls.

However, in the right-leaning Rasmussen polls, Clinton for the first time is seen trailing Trump, albeit by just one percentage point.


The Franklin and Marshall College poll of Pennsylvania was conducted between August 25 and 29, and surveyed 736 Pennsylvania registered voters and 496 likely voters. And Stein’s Green Party has often been much further to the left than the Democratic Party, suggesting that many of her voters wouldn’t vote for Clinton anyway.

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