
Hillary Clinton recovering from pneumonia in NY, cancels Bay Area visit

Hillary Clinton didn’t reveal her pneumonia diagnosis earlier because she didn’t “think it was going to be that big a deal”, she said on Monday night.


The statements came one day after Clinton, 68, fell ill at a 9/11 memorial event in NY and was seen stumbling as she was helped into her vehicle, forcing her campaign to disclose she had been diagnosed with the acute respiratory infection.

Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton drew strong criticism after she classified “half” of Republican nominee Donald Trump’s supporters as a “basket of deplorables” during a campaign event last Friday.

When asked by Cooper whether the confusion surrounding Clinton’s illness should fuel mistrust among voters, the candidate cited the lack of medical information offered by her opponent, Donald Trump, compared to the report put out by her team.

On Monday Trump claimed that candidates’ health was a legitimate campaign issue, and said he had undergone a physical in recent days.

Staffers maintain her earlier refusal to stop campaigning is a sign of strength. I’ll be lucky to hold her back another day.”Clinton canceled a planned trip Monday to California”. Now Clinton is not criticised for having felt dizzy, what sparked criticism was the fact that the public was informed about Clinton’s pneumonia two days after being diagnosed with that illness, and only because of the incident in NY. On Fox News, he said he hopes “she gets well and gets back on the trail and we’ll be seeing her at the debate”. I think they’re going to be good.

In an unexpected turn, Trump also wished Clinton a speedy recovery. Dr. Lisa R. Barback said Clinton was examined at her home in Chappaqua and “is now rehydrated and recovering nicely”. While at this morning’s event, she became overheated and dehydrated.

“Well, if it is then it’s a mystery to me and all of her doctors.”

Clinton was scheduled to fly to San Francisco Monday for a fundraiser.

Mrs Clinton has previously disclosed a concussion incident in 2012 that left her with double-vision and a blood clot in her head.

The “medical episode” occurred on September 11, a day both candidates had pledged to cease campaigning in honour of the largest terror attack in American history. “And as soon as I got into the air-conditioned van, I cooled off, I got some water, and very quickly, I felt better”, she said.

Trump has released less information to the public about his health than Clinton has.

The Republican National Committee has not publicly commented on Clinton’s health.


Her campaign initially said she had been taken to her daughter’s NY flat after feeling “overheated”.

Credit AP
        CHILLING EFFECT Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s campaign was slow to admit that the nominee has pneumonia