
Hillary Clinton releases tax returns

The 40 page pdf released by the campaign shows that the Clintons payed $3.6 million in taxes, a tax rate of about 34 percent. They gave more than $1 million to charity.


The fact that Trump won’t release his taxes has raised questions about the actual size of his fortune and some of his businesses connections.

Paul Manafort, Trump’s campaign manager, said in May that he doubts he will release the taxes because they are “incredibly complicated”.

Every major-party candidate since 1976 has released their returns.

Contrasting her own message with Trump’s, she said, “He is missing so much about what makes MI great”.

Kaine, the Virginia senator who’s spent much of his life in public service, reported a far lower income than the Clintons.

Mr Trump presented the Federal Election Commission with a mandatory personal financial disclosure form in May and says this is enough. They want to see his tax rate, charitable giving, and business dealings with foreign governments. Her opponent’s refusal to release his own returns makes Clinton’s wealth and its origins harder for Republicans to assail.

Clinton’s running mate and vice-presidential hopeful Tim Kaine and his wife, Anne Holton, also published their tax returns for the last 10 years up to 2015, when they paid 25.6 percent of their income in combined federal, state and local taxes.

The Clintons even paid a higher tax rate past year than the average effective federal tax rate of 33.4 percent for the top 1 percent of taxpayers.

Clinton – who has said Trump is simply trying to “repackage trickle-down economics” – targeted a provision in Trump’s tax plan that could deliver a tax cut to large corporations. She put out her most recent eight years of tax filings last summer along with her health records. Clinton’s 2015 tax rate, the source said, is expected to be consistent with her past returns.

In 2014, the Clintons’ adjusted gross income was $27,946,490. In 2014, she earned almost $10.5 million in speaking fees, exceeding the $9.7 million her husband Bill was paid for doing the same.

“Based on what we know from the Trump campaign, he wants America to work for him and his friends, at the expense of everyone else”, she said at a manufacturing company in MI. The couple donated $1.042 million to charity – $1 million of which went to the Clinton Foundation – according to their returns.


“He’s offered no credible plans to address what working families are up against today”, Clinton said, shortly after touring Futuramic, a hangar-like, high-tech factory in Warren, Michigan, that makes parts for the aerospace industry.

Hillary Clinton's tax returns have been made public in some form every year since 1977