
Hillary Clinton Responds To GOP’s ‘Lock Her Up’ Chant

She said she seemed to be “the only unifying theme that they had”. “There was no positive agenda”.


Meanwhile, Mr Kaine made his first appearance on the campaign trail as Ms Clinton’s vice-presidential running mate on Saturday, touting an optimistic view of America and leaping to attack the Republican presidential nominee’s record. “I just was so – I was saddened by it”.

For the finalists in the hunt to be Hillary Clinton’s running mate, it was five weeks of questions and follow-up, and follow-up to the follow-up questions, starting from when they were summoned one-by-one to meet with campaign chairman John Podesta and lawyer Jim Hamilton and told to bring along just one trusted person who’d serve as the point of contact.

Mr Kaine criticised Mr Trump’s recent suggestion he might not honour United States security commitments to North Atlantic Treaty Organisation in Europe, and the real estate mogul’s history of casino bankruptcies and founding the failed Trump University.

Clinton complained of a “Hillary standard” – suggesting that she faces more scrutiny than other top-level politicians.

“And for whatever reasons – and I don’t want to try to analyze the reasons”.

“That’s a big part of what I’m going to talk about”, Warren said. In a CNN/ORC poll, Trump takes 48% to Clinton’s 45%. “I’ve already put him on notice”.

“So whatever he says about me, he’s perfectly free to use up his own air time and his own space to do”.

Clinton added that she will focus on how Trump “has hurt people in business time after time after time”, and will also call attention to the “total disregard that he has shown toward large groups of people in our country”.

“That’s not the way I feel”.

“The highly neurotic Debbie Wasserman Schultz is angry that, after stealing and cheating her way to a Crooked Hillary victory, she’s out!” “And look, most of us stopped the name-calling thing about fifth grade”.

In the interview, Clinton also offered more details on her pledge to make sure the “middle class will not get a tax increase”, defining the “middle class” as those who earn less than $250,000 per year.

“I love being a senator from MA”, she said.

Kaine, for his part, described himself as a “utility player”. Clinton joked that he “plays a mean harmonica”.


“One of the many, many reasons but I think it’s among the profoundly largest and most widespread reasons that Bernie delegates here and reflecting supporters around the country are so upset about the Kaine pick is not only that it’s the one thing that Hillary Clinton can not go back on later on, she’s locked into her pick”, said Solomon.

Campaign 2016 Kaine Profile Sen. Tim Kaine D-Va. gives a 'thumbs-up&#39 as he takes his seat at the head table for the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington in February of this year