
Hillary Clinton’s a Devil, says Donald Trump

“It’s time for Trump to stop hiding”, she said.

Advertisement reported that Hanna said in an interview he considered supporting Clinton for months, but made a decision to take action after watching Trump criticize the Muslim American parents of a U.S. soldier killed in Iraq.

“And I know last time, there were – you had precincts where there was practically nobody voting for the Republican”.

Billionaire investor Warren Buffett says he’ll do whatever it takes to defeat Donald Trump – including escorting people to the polls himself.

“I’m afraid the election is going to be rigged, I have to be honest”, he told the crowd. ‘I’ll be in for over $100 million when it’s all finished, ‘ he said.

Clinton got a 7 point bounce – now leading Trump 52 to 43 percent – after the Democratic convention, reaching her highest support in any poll since early May.

“But he made a deal with the devil”.

On Monday Trump had criticised the Muslim parents of an American soldier killed in Iraq, saying they had “viciously” attacked him. This started on June 16 of past year and I said, wow, let’s go do it. Takes guts to do this, believe me.

Pakistan-born Khizr Khan and his wife, Ghazala, appeared on stage at last week’s Democratic convention, where he said Mr Trump had “sacrificed nothing and no one” for his country.

He added, “I think Trump is a national embarrassment”.

Trump tweaked Ryan back, thanking the speaker’s August 9 primary opponent for his “kind words”, apparently in defense of Trump’s proposal to temporarily ban Muslim immigration to the U.S.

Trump’s comments Monday came as he decried Vermont Sen.

Her onetime Democratic opponent, Bernie Sanders, raised more than $6 million in the 24 hours after winning the New Hampshire primary, after declaring in a nationally televised victory speech that he was ‘going to hold a fundraiser right here, right now, across America’.

For Donald Trump, it’s become a familiar pattern.


Hanna, who is serving his third term in Congress for New York’s 22nd Congressional District, wrote in an op-ed on that “for me, it is not enough to simply denounce his comments: He is unfit to serve our party and can not lead this country”.

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