
Hillary Clinton’s doctor says she’s ‘healthy and fit’ to serve

The exam also reportedly showed Mr Trump has high levels of testosterone, the hormone which affects sex drive as well as physical characteristics such as muscle mass.


Pence was asked at a news conference Tuesday with House Republican leaders whether he wanted to amend his statement from an interview Monday in which he denounced Duke, but declined to call him “deplorable”.

But his rally was interrupted several times by demonstrators and, at one moment, brief violence. McMorris Rodgers, who has a son with Down syndrome, had taken Trump to task for mocking the physical disabilities of a reporter, and for his attitude toward women.

The celebrity businessman talked through the scuffle but cracked after the disturbance: “Is there any place more fun than a Trump rally?”

“The disdain that Hillary Clinton expressed toward millions of Americans disqualifies her from public service”, Trump said this week.

With Hillary Clinton sidelined by pneumonia, President Barack Obama took up the Democrats’ fight against Donald Trump on Tuesday, trying to quash the Republican presidential candidate’s bid to appeal to working-class voters. “You can’t lead this nation if you have such a low opinion of its citizens”.

NY congressman Peter King said Pence responded that he has seen polling that shows Trump ahead with married women. Pence stated, “We don’t want his support and we don’t want the support of people who think like him”.

Clinton has said she regrets using the term, “half”, to describe the proportion of Trump supporters she considers “deplorables”.

Clinton’s comment about Trump’s supporters being deplorables put a dent in her polished and practiced manner, something the Trump/Pence campaign could have capitalized on.

Trump said Monday he was planning to release detailed health information from the new physical exam in the coming days, following Hillary Clinton’s health scare at the September 11 memorial service and revelations that she was diagnosed with pneumonia. Hillary Clinton’s doctor says she is recovering from her pneumonia and remains “healthy and fit to serve as President of the United States”.

“You know what’s deplorable?”.

“They certainly have ignited people and you see that”.

Pence also said that the GOP ticket has “momentum”, and when asked about its vulnerability with female voters, Pence argued that they are going to come out in large numbers for the GOP.

In an election where white supremacists are comfortable coming out of the woodwork because they finally have a mainstream candidate who reflects their views, we can not afford the political correctness and politeness that the commentariat seems to be demanding of Clinton.


In the crowd, one Trump supporter held a sign that read: “I’m not ‘deplorable.’ I’m just a hard-working, tax-paying American and proud of it!”

Scuffle breaks out at rally as Trump defends backers