
‘Hillary Clinton’s legacy is death, destruction, terrorism’ – Donald Trump slams Democratic rival

Donald Trump gave the speech of his life to conclude a rowdy, but successful, Republican National Convention.


Fox News Channel’s Chris Wallace said the speech read better on paper than it was delivered. But in the 57 astounding weeks between launching his candidacy and accepting his party’s nomination, the real-estate developer and TV personality has painted a picture of an America on the verge of an apocalyptic ending. There are nine mentions of terror and terrorism; four mentions of ISIS; twelve mentions of the word “safe” or its variations; nine mentions of immigration; and eleven mentions of Hillary Clinton, who is blamed for instability around the globe.

Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani said it was the “best acceptance I’ve ever seen”.

Ted Cruz won’t endorse Donald Trump, but the Republican nominee said Friday he wouldn’t take the support even if the Texas senator offered. “People who work hard but no longer have a voice”.

“They have this memory of the din here on the floor, as Ted Cruz is trying to close his speech”, King said.

“In the president’s hometown of Chicago, more than 2,000 have been the victims of shootings this year alone”, Trump said.

Mrs. Trump’s speech was well-received – for a few hours. As the crowd, fiercely opposed to Clinton, broke out in its oft-used chant, “Lock her up”, he waved them off, and declared, “Let’s defeat her in November”. “I’m not sure what statistics you’re talking about”, Manafort said, and then took a swipe at the Bureau over its decision not to seek charges against Clinton over her email server.

Republican candidates had pledged during the primary process to support the party’s eventual nominee.

“The stakes are high”, Arpaio said, standing in front of a backdrop depicting the fence on the USA border.

Irate at what some were calling a betrayal of the party, Mr Trump’s inner circle rounded on Mr Cruz yesterday. The crowd roared with approval. The convention opened with a speech by Florida Governor Rick Scott, in which he catered to Trump’s positions on immigration, national security, and trade. “And it will be a signature feature of my presidency from the moment I take the oath of office”.

Trump also vowed to protect the LGBTQ community from violence in light of last month’s terrorist attack at Pulse, the gay nightclub in Orlando.

“I’m not in the habit of supporting people who attack my wife and who attack my father”, said Cruz, adding he refuses to act like a “servile puppy”.

In New York past year, he talked about his Trump-branded golf courses, his Washington, D.C. hotel, his New York skyscraper, his best-selling business book, and repeated references to his net worth.

Trump’s wife, Melania, foreshadowed it all on opening night, noting, “It would not be a Trump contest without excitement and drama”. When the line drew a huge positive response, he replied how nice it was, as a Republican, “to hear you cheering for what I just said”.

The boos began Wednesday night during Cruz’s speech after it became clear he would not be endorsing Trump as the party’s nominee, urging people to vote their conscience.

WHERE’S PENCE? The speech on the penultimate night of the convention is supposed be the shining moment for a party’s vice presidential candidate. Clinton will also grow government, raise taxes, attack Second Amendment rights, expand the disease of political correctness, decimate our military, and allow more illegal aliens to enter the country among other issues.

Trump was set to be introduced by his eldest daughter, Ivanka, one of his most polished and effective advocates. In her case, spending time as a girl at Trump Tower while she put together mini-buildings.

He will go on to list a series of worldwide events – the U.S. Navy sailors who strayed into Iranian waters, the landmark nuclear deal with Iran, and instability from Libya to Egypt to Syria – as “the legacy of Hillary Clinton: death, destruction and weakness”. “My message is that things have to change – and they have to change right now”.

– With assistance from Andre Tartar and Bloomberg contributor Adam Tiouririne.


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Trump acceptance speech promises Americans they will be safer and richer with him as president