
Hillary Clinton’s snooty supporters are patronising women

“Men tend to get more conservative because they gain power as they age, and women tend to get more radical because they lose power as they age”, Steinem said.


Fast forward 20 years, and Steinem, the 80-year-old feminist icon, suggested Friday night to Bill Maher that millennial women are more interested in the social benefits of supporting Bernie Sanders rather than basing their actions on more substantial concerns.

Despite blustery weather conditions, Ratajkowski wore a pink sweater with “Bernie” stitched across the chest, and the “I” replaced by the female gender symbol. You like that? Thank Steinem, and thousands of other feminists, who fomented this country’s second feminist wave.

“Young women have to support Hillary Clinton”.

Not surprisingly, Steinem’s thoughts spurred others on Twitter to share theirs. Bernie Sanders over Hillary Clinton in the Democratic primary because they want to meet men.

American feminist, journalist and political activist Gloria Steinem.

“People are talking about revolution”, Albright said.

Despite her clarification, posts continue flooding in against Steinem, speaking to how angry and disappointed women are over her comments, with accusations that Gloria Steinem is guilty of the very sexism she fought against.

Most of the establishment press has either treated Albright’s and Steinem’s outrageous remarks as no big deal, or has ignored them completely. “Now if I said that”, he replied, “You’d swat me”. “I wouldn’t because boys are saying where-I mean, hello?”

There was quite a bit of backlash following this comment, and as a result, Steinem released an “apology” on her Facebook page citing a “misinterpretation” of her words: “In a case of talk-show Interruptus, I misspoke on the Bill Maher show recently, and apologize for what’s been misinterpreted as implying young women aren’t serious in their politics”. Does Abcarian believe they know Steinem, age 81, or Albright, 78? Setting aside whether and how Sanders could ever achieve the political revolution he promises, his emphasis on alleviating economic inequality and upsetting the current balance of power may speak to women who are paid less, promoted less, and taken less seriously than their male counterparts. “And just remember there’s a special place in hell for women who don’t help each other”.

When Hillary Clinton moved to Foggy Bottom, she established the International Fund for Women and Girls to make sure that organizations promoting microfinancing or combatting violence against women would have some money to work with. Older feminists such as Gloria Steinem and Madeleine Albright have a sense of earned entitlement and such thinking simply doesn’t resonate with young women, nor does it dictate their politics.

What annoyed me at the time, and still does, was the implication that women are automatically superior to men. Rappeport wanted readers to infer that Mrs. Clinton was far less than pleased with what Albright said, and revealed that displeasure in her reaction.


“Unless he looked totally different at the time, he has never been to any briefing whether when I was United Nations ambassador or secretary of state or since then”, she claimed. In choosing Hillary, I would be seen as selfish for supporting a woman “like” me…If I were for Obama, I would not feel personally betrayed by lack of support from someone like me, a new ally, if I were Hillary Clinton, I might feel betrayed by a longtime supporter who left me for a new face.

Gloria Steinem