
Hillary Clinton’s Unfavorable Rating Hits All-Time High

It comes on the heels of a poll released earlier in the week by Emerson College in Boston that had Clinton leading Trump only 46 percent to 43 percent, while other polls have her up by 9 percentage points.


Two days ago it was 6.1 points and about a month ago, Clinton was leading on an average by almost 10 percentage points.

The State Department disclosed that around 30 emails among the thousands in the Hillary Clinton emails scandal may be related to the attack on the us compounds in 2012 in Benghazi, Libya.

McGinty has a 27 percent favorable rating and a 17 percent unfavorable rating while a staggering 56 percent of voters said they have no opinion of her.

But as poor as Clinton’s favorability ratings are, she can take comfort that her Republican rival, Donald Trump, still fares worse. And it means that even if she is elected president, her mandate will be a weak one – a prospect that would hold true for Trump, too, but one that may seem more significant for a traditional politician like Clinton. Russ Feingold, D-Wisc., all won party primaries in … Leaked State Department emails published earlier this month divulged overlapping interests between the Clinton Foundation and the department while Clinton served. Sixty-two percent said they should be allowed to stay and eventually apply for citizenship, 19 percent said they should be allowed to stay as temporary guest workers and 15 percent said they should be required to leave their jobs and the U.S. When forced to choose, voters who are undecided tend to cast their lot with Clinton – except for the 10 percent who refuse to even express a hypothetical preference because they despise both candidates so thoroughly.

When asked about feelings towards the police, 86 percent said the police make them feel mostly safe, while 12 percent said they feel mostly anxious.

“I hope you will join the growing number of Americans – Democrats, Republicans and independents – who are supporting our vision for the kind of future we want for our country”, Clinton said.

Trump’s strongest spot is with white men, with whom he leads 51% to 29%, the Monmouth poll found. Among these were from Monmouth (Clinton 49, Trump 42), LA Times/USC (Clinton 42, Trump 45), NBC News/SM (Clinton 48, Trump 42) and Reuters/Ipsos (Clinton 42, Trump 45).


The Fox News poll is based on landline and cellphone interviews with 1,011 randomly chosen registered voters nationwide and was conducted under the joint direction of Anderson Robbins Research (D) and Shaw & Company Research (R) from August 28-30, 2016. In the race for the U.S. Senate, Feingold had a 13 point lead over Johnson.

Jimmy Carter was in Memphis to help build houses for Habitat for Hummanity