
Hillary Clinton says Bill might be useful in White House

Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton talks to “Late Night” host Seth Meyers about Donald Trump’s recent comments on Muslims. “And what he is saying now is not only shameful and wrong, it is risky”.


But she says he’d be a “great host” and “good adviser”. She noted that while he was still alive, former DPRK supreme leader Kim Jong-Il said, “we would turn [the hostages] over to a distinguished American”.

“If you are trying to keep people paying dues and supporting your organization, you want to keep them upset”, Clinton said about the NRA.

‘And that was a little awkward, I’m secretary of state, ‘ she said.

Baker summarized the polling thus: “The simple fact is that majority Americans oppose Hillary Clinton’s gun-control agenda and they know she can’t be trusted to tell the truth on any issue”.

Hillary Clinton is no longer laughing. And because he is “vegan-ish” — he eats fish but not meat or dairy — she said “he might have useful information about menus” for vegan guests.

‘I think can all say that about any of our spouses, ‘ the comedian replied.

Clinton and others have spent the week condemning Donald Trump’s proposal to ban Muslims from entering the United States.

Finally, North Korea said that the women would be released if a ‘distinguished American was sent to fetch them’.

The Democratic presidential candidate stopped by “Late Night with Seth Meyers” Thursday night and talked about how she no longer Trump was a amusing character. Today, they want people to feel like the black helicopter is gonna land in the backyard and your guns are gonna be taken.

“I had hesitation about what I thought was a kind of hardness in her but she doesn’t have that in person”, said Terry Matre, a family therapist in West Des Moines.


Clinton and Meyers also imagined a different world.

Biden addressed Ukraine's parliament on Tuesday