
Hillary Clinton says Donald Trump unqualified to be president

According to ABC News, if Hillary Clinton does win the Democratic nomination and manages to defeat Republican candidate Donald Trump in the general election, she plans to put the former president “in charge of economic revitalization”.


In an interview on Fox, Donald Trump describes a decades-old rape allegation against former President Bill Clinton.

Clinton has another significant advantage compared to Trump’s previous opponents, many of whom were unknown to most Americans. I happen to know that one USA senator leading the pack of attackers spent more than a few nights with his twenty-something girlfriend at a hotel I own. Are they going to interview Juanita Broderick? And Paula Jones sued Clinton in a sexual harassment case in a 1991 incident. Hannity asked. “In one case, it’s about exposure”.

Trump does better on this measure, although he is still underwater by 17 points: 40% think he’s honest and 57% say he’s not. “And rape”, Hannity repeated.

Trump then said that the media should focus on Bill’s “big settlements” and “impeachment for lying”.

“When will we get tough, smart and vigilant?”

“You look at some of the people, the dishonesty”.

“I have people that have friends living in Paris. I’m not gonna be responding”.

The new poll out Thursday afternoon shows Clinton with a 6 point lead over Trump.

Such positions are “dangerous”, Mrs Clinton said, adding that the totality of Mr Trump’s alarming statements since he launched his presidential campaign, including calling for a ban on Muslims entering the United States, amounts to a worrying “pattern”.

She recalled that in 2008, after losing the primary to President Barack Obama, she endorsed him and campaigned for him.

“By the way, you know, it’s not like the worst things, OK”, Trump said.

Merrill did not address the recent cover story from The National ENQUIRER, which exposed 36 women unlucky enough to cross paths with “Slick Willie”. We all have fun.

“The time frame is just not allowing. for him to get up to Grand Forks”, said Becky Ronkowski, chairwoman of Grand Forks Democrats.


The highest-ranking House Republican woman, Representative Cathy McMorris-Rodgers, said she had cast an absentee ballot for Trump in Washington state’s primary next week, leaving Ryan as the only top Republican in Congress who has not backed Trump.

Clinton discloses millions in book royalties, speaking fees